Page 15 of Peregrine

Channeling all he’d learned, he straddled Sebastian’s lap and loosely looped his arms around the dragon’s neck. Sebastian’s gaze, which had been cold and intimidating, thawed. It seemed, for a short moment, that he knew not what to do, but then a lascivious look flashed through his eyes and he took Peregrine by the hips. “Mine,” he growled, dipping his head to speak the word against Peregrine’s jawline. A hot kiss followed, then another, until Sebastian arrived at Peregrine’s lips. “All. Mine.”

“Yours, my lord,” Peregrine vowed in a breathless whisper. “All of me.”

A sound like storms sweeping in from the sea rumbled in Sebastian’s throat, then, without further warning, his lips crashed into Peregrine’s like a wave breaking on a craggy cliffside. Peregrine’s spine went rigid, then relaxed as the kiss continued. Like the sea, Sebastian was fearsome and deadly, but he did not intend to be destructive—it was simply his nature. All Peregrine had to learn to do was ride his currents and tides and all would be fine.

“Mine,” Sebastian repeated into Peregrine’s mouth as he lifted him up and positioned him over his hardened cock. “Mine.”

“Yours,” Peregrine affirmed as Sebastian pushed his way inside. Like he’d been taught, he arched his back and moved his hips, but it didn’t feel like it was enough. With a cry, he rested his head on Sebastian’s chest and rode until his legs were shaking and his arms were so tight around Sebastian’s neck, he was sure he had to be hurting him. “Yours. Yours. Yours.”

The lubricant from before eased the friction between them, but Sebastian was large, and the intrusion stung. Still, he persisted. It was his duty. Sebastian was to be his lord until he returned Peregrine to his cloister. Peregrine would not fail him so soon.

“Please, my lord,” he uttered against Sebastian’s collarbone, as he’d been taught it was a proper thing to say when mating with a dragon. “Please, I need more.”

“Do not toy with me, omega,” Sebastian growled in reply. “Tell me what you really want, not what they’ve told you to say.”

Peregrine was so startled by the command, he pushed hastily back from Sebastian’s chest and looked him in the eyes. They were dark and determined, and in them, there was no sign of deceit or trickery to be found.

“I want…” Peregrine’s mouth fell open as he came down on Sebastian’s cock at a new angle, causing pleasure to arrow through him in ways it never had before. “I want this. I want you. And I don’t want to ever have to go back.”

The last part fell out of him, unprompted and unplanned. Peregrine gasped, but was silenced when Sebastian kissed him hard. It was savage, but then, so was Sebastian. Perfect and primal and raw. The force of their kiss ripped through Peregrine like fire through pine tar and left him burning, and as Sebastian pushed him onto the bed, Peregrine ignited. Like a wild thing, he bucked and squirmed and took. And while Sebastian gave with every thrust of his hips, he took from Peregrine in return.

“Yes. Be free,” Sebastian urged. His voice was dark with pleasure. The underlying satisfaction in it resonated in Peregrine’s heart. “Take. Own. Possess. And allow me to do the same in return.”

Peregrine could barely make sense of the words, but it didn’t matter—his body knew what to do. Nothing would stop him from it. He moved as Sebastian did, wild and unashamed, with no mind for his angles or his lighting, or even the expression on his face. Sebastian growled as if in appreciation, then bucked into him savagely, but as cruel as he could be, Peregrine did not suffer. Rather, he learned how to ride the waves.

Before long, Sebastian wrapped a hand around his cock, and from there, Peregrine gave in to pleasure. The light of the day ceded its place to shadow, and darkness crept across the room. When it had consumed them entirely, Peregrine jerked a final time into his lord’s hand, cried out from a place so deep his stomach curled, and came. Sebastian joined him, roaring, and as his hot cum spilled into Peregrine’s body and his knot stretched Peregrine to his limits, Peregrine began to cry.

“Hush,” Sebastian ordered, and while Peregrine obeyed, he could not stop the tears from falling.

He did not want to be sent back to his cloister or have to part from the dragon who’d plucked him off the streets, but he knew that, at some point, it would happen. Even were he to do the impossible and bear Sebastian a clutch, it would be taken from him before he could so much as touch the eggs and, duty performed, he would be sent back home and would never see Sebastian again.

“Omega,” Sebastian said. “Why are you leaking?”

Peregrine brushed an arm as prettily as he could over his eyes and smiled his very best smile. The hard look on Sebastian’s face crumpled, and without another word, he kissed Peregrine softly and sweetly.

“Mine,” Sebastian uttered as they kissed. “Mine.”

It was the truth, but there was a part Sebastian had omitted, and it was the most important of all. So for every “Mine” Sebastian gave him, Peregrine reminded himself of what his lord had neglected to say: for now.

* * *

Day had yet to break when Sebastian roused Peregrine from his sleep. A beeswax candle burned in a holder by the bedside, offering modest light by which Peregrine glimpsed Sebastian’s face. His expression was guarded but not overtly hostile, and the way he shook Peregrine by the shoulder was gentle, especially considering his size.

“Peregrine,” Sebastian said when he noticed Peregrine was awake. “Get up.”

The dragon was already dressed. Peregrine couldn’t tell the color of his doublet in such dim light, but it was plain to see by the stitchwork that the garment was expensive—worth more, perhaps, than the box of sweets Sebastian had plied him with the previous night.

“Is there something the matter, my lord?” Peregrine asked as he sat up in bed. He blinked the sleep from his eyes and squinted through the darkness in an attempt to make sense of what was happening, but came up short. The inn was quiet, as were the streets outside.

“No. Today we travel, and I must prepare you for the voyage.” Sebastian ripped the sheets from Peregrine’s lap and lifted him out of bed. “You are filthy. It will not do. I have ordered you a bath.”

Shame burned Peregrine’s cheeks. “I bathed yesterday, my lord.”

“And you will bathe again.” Sebastian set Peregrine on the floor next to the bed and ran a hand apologetically through his hair. Like magic, the touch lit Peregrine up from the inside and invoked memories of the night before, and all the passion they’d shared. Greedy for more, he leaned into Sebastian’s hand, hoping Sebastian might remember as well and come back to bed. To his delight, Sebastian squatted down, bringing them practically to eye level with one another. Certainly close enough to kiss. Peregrine’s heart pounded a wicked beat, and he began to close his eyes in anticipation of Sebastian’s lips on his.

Sebastian leaned forward, closing even more distance between them, and passed by Peregrine’s lips to withdraw the chamber pot from beneath the bed. “Use it,” he demanded.

Peregrine accepted the chamber pot with as much poise as he could muster. He did not want to let on that he’d much rather have something put in him than… well, the opposite. “Yes, my lord.”