Page 12 of Peregrine

Sebastian came to him and dropped to his knees at Perry’s side. “Are you well? Is something wrong?”

Perry’s smile wobbled slightly, then strengthened. “I’m fine, darling.”


Perry put a finger to Sebastian’s lips. “No buts. I am fine. We shall leave it at that.”

“I brought you a present,” Sebastian told him, wanting to bring the smile back into his mate’s eyes. “Presents,” he amended, remembering the scarf that had caught his eye in the shop window earlier that day. But to his dismay, Perry didn’t perk up. Rather, he dipped his fingers back into the water and spun them in slow circles, tempting the koi below.

Whatever was wrong had to be very wrong.

In no way did Sebastian believe he was fine.

“That’s very sweet of you, but later, darling,” Perry said at length. “I can wait for presents. Right now all I need is you.”

Sebastian needed no further instruction. Without another word, he scooped Perry into his arms and carried him into their hoard. It was the one place in the house where no one would disturb them.

He laid Perry on their hoard bed and climbed on after him, stripping them piece by piece until they were bare. Perry, pliant and needy, folded back his legs, and Sebastian took care of the rest, prepping him and pushing him into the perfect position for pleasure.

He started their lovemaking slow and sweet, showing Perry how precious he was, but his mate was having none of it. Perry’s fingernails dug into his back, and he fought the pace Sebastian had set, working himself harder than Sebastian was willing to go. It was unusual in the extreme, and Sebastian sought to remedy it by kissing and licking his way down Perry’s body, paying particular attention to his most sensitive spots.

Perry tossed his head restlessly on their pillows and couldn’t seem to keep his hips still. “More, please. Sebastian, I need more.”

Sebastian knew what to do about that. He lifted Perry’s hips to his mouth and took Perry’s hard and leaking cock into his mouth, then down his throat. It was something he’d done thousands of times before, and something he knew how to do well. Perry always came undone for him so easily like this, but today, no matter how Sebastian licked or sucked or swallowed, Perry would not relax for him.

His mouth would not be good enough.

Something had to be truly wrong.

“Please, Sebastian,” Perry begged, tugging at Sebastian’s hair. “It’s not enough. I need you back inside me.”

Sebastian pulled off Perry’s cock and went to fold back his legs, but Perry shook his head, and he stopped at once. Once he had, Perry scrambled out from beneath him and pushed hard at Sebastian’s shoulders. He was not strong enough to move Sebastian no matter how hard he tried, but Sebastian humored him by falling onto his side and then rolling onto his back as Perry continued to push.

“There,” Perry breathed, and stilled Sebastian once he was on his back. He straddled Sebastian’s hips, grasped his cock, and sank down onto it until Sebastian had nothing left to give. The pleasure was unimaginable. Just as Sebastian had learned how best to please his mate with his mouth over the last five hundred years, Perry had long ago learned how best to use his body to bring Sebastian pleasure. He tightened and loosened and rode hard, bangles jingling as he went.

“Perry,” Sebastian groaned, and grabbed his hips not to hold him in place, but to better support him as he rode. “Oh, Perry.”

His mate was too lost in pleasure to reply, his head thrown back and his back arched. A crown of dainty golden chains glittered in his hair, and a single diamond drop earring swayed with every rise and fall of his hips, its inner fire dull compared to the man who wore it.

Perry lurched forward all at once and braced his hands on either side of Sebastian’s arms. At this new angle he rode savagely, and Sebastian, as strong as he was, was helpless against the pleasure that followed. He teetered on the edge of orgasm, roused not only by the tightness of his mate’s body, but by the sight of him. How even nude, Perry was perfect. How gorgeous he looked drenched in gold.

“Breed me,” Perry begged through ragged gasps. “Make me yours.”

And so Sebastian did.

He shot deep into Perry, marking him with his seed, then let go and allowed his knot to lock the two of them together. Perry cried out and bore back onto him, taking his knot deeper, and as he did, he came as well, striping Sebastian’s chest with his spend.

“Yes,” he panted as he rode, coaxing Sebastian’s knot to keep thickening. “Yes, yes.”

It was utter ecstasy.

Sebastian tightened his grip on Perry’s hips and pushed him down, causing Perry to wiggle and moan as the knot stretched him and locked him into place.

When it could grow no more, Sebastian let him go, and Perry slumped onto him bonelessly. Sebastian gathered him in his arms and held him while their bodies rode out the last of their orgasms, and even after that, as his knot would keep them together for quite some time.

“Tell me what’s wrong,” Sebastian said once Perry had settled, trying not to make it a demand. He rubbed his mate’s smooth skin to comfort both himself and Perry. “Tell me what it is and I shall destroy it.”

Perry chuckled and laid his cheek on Sebastian’s chest. “I’m afraid this isn’t something you can bludgeon or threaten into submission, my love.”