Page 10 of Peregrine

“Yes, sir. Would you care to know the price of—”

“No.” Sebastian handed the girl a black credit card. “It’s not necessary.”

“Yes, sir.” She swiped the card and hurried to wrap up his purchase.

Sebastian did not dawdle in the shop any longer than was necessary. Once the scarf was wrapped and bagged, he left and walked another block, where he came to a stop in front of another business. The door was locked, as it always was, so he pushed the buzzer and assured the disembodied voice who answered that he had an appointment. Only then did the door open.

Sebastian entered the shop.

Unlike other storefronts on the Brilliant Boulevard, this particular business was not open to the public, and private appointments were booked months in advance. Sebastian was amongst their few clients who kept regular appointments—he visited once every three months, which was just long enough to ensure that whenever he visited, there would be new wares to sample.

The inside of this particular establishment was peculiar in that it resembled the lobby of a small, if very grand, hotel more than it did a store. A huge crystal chandelier hung from the domed ceiling, shining light down upon the polished marble floor below. Sebastian strolled forward, steps echoing, until a tall woman in towering high heels glided over. “Mr. Drake. Welcome to Luxe. Won’t you please come this way?”

She led Sebastian through a door and into a chair situated by a silk-covered table.

“Would you like refreshment?” she asked. “We have coffee, tea, champagne, port, still water and sparkling water.”

“No,” he said gruffly, then added a, “thank you,” because he could hear Perry admonishing him to be polite in his head.

“Can I get you anything at all, sir?” She sounded a little anxious.

“Just send out Sadie,” he said.

The woman blinked. “But—”

At that point a short, plump young woman came bustling through the door holding a large silver tray covered by a white cloth. “It’s all right, Grace,” she said, putting the tray down on the table. “I’ll see to Mr. Drake.”

Grace frowned, but at last nodded and glided back to whence she’d come.

“Sadie,” Sebastian said cordially when the two were alone. “What do you have for me today?”

Sadie grinned back at him. “I can’t wait to show you!” She lifted the cloth away like she was presenting a magic trick, and that wasn’t far off the mark. Sadie was a magician, only her potions consisted mostly of sugar, butter, cocoa beans, milk, spices, fruit, and nuts.

On the tray were twenty-four sets of assorted truffles. Each had one whole truffle, and one sliced in half to show its interior. Sadie pointed to the first one. “This is the Valencia. The interior is a burnt butter caramel ganache flavored with house-made orange liqueur and pink peppercorn. It’s covered in dark chocolate and decorated with candied orange peel. I’d ask if you wanted to try it, but I already know the answer.”

Sebastian nodded gravely.

“Okay, then,” Sadie went on, enthusiasm undimmed, “how about this one?” She pointed to the next truffle, which was white and crowned with a sugared rose petal. “It’s pistachio marzipan, rose water, dark chocolate ganache, and white cocoa butter chocolate, with, of course, an edible rose petal.”

Sebastian nodded again and she went on to describe the next truffle, then the next, then the next. He nodded at them all, but ended up choosing only sixteen.

Happy with his selection, Sadie said, “I’m sure your husband will love them.” Her eyes twinkled. “Now. Can I interest you in macarons?”

Sebastian nodded again and Sadie clapped her hands in delight. “Fantastic! Let me go get you a sampling.” She scurried away, taking her tray with her.

By the time Sebastian’s appointment was over, he had several boxes filled with chocolates, macarons, petit fours, and miniature fruit tarts.

“So,” she said as Sebastian readied himself to leave. “Is this for a special occasion?”

Sebastian shook his head.

“Your husband is a very lucky man,” Sadie said brightly, but Sebastian shook his head again.

“I am the lucky one,” he said as he hefted the bag of sweets from the counter in the main foyer. “Good day, Sadie.”

She smiled and curled her fingers in a wave. “Until next time, Mr. Drake.”

* * *