Page 89 of Finch

“Never mind,” Everard said. “I recall you’re an omega. When is your next heat?”

A blush spread from Finch’s hairline all the way down to his chest. “I’m not sure how that’s any

of your business.”

Everard clucked his tongue. “You called me asking for advice. Before I can assist, I need to

know all the current variables. Your heat?”

Finch huffed. “It’s a little more than a week away, but I’m always extremely cautious. I take

dampeners and arrange to work from my suite until it’s passed. Your brother has always been

extremely courteous of my indisposition.”

“I’m sure, I’m sure. Hm.” Everard paused again, hopefully because he was thinking up a

solution to Hugh’s erratic behavior. “Well, it’s my professional opinion as a celebrated medical

doctor that my brother is unwittingly courting you. I believe it’s all relatively harmless. For now,

continue to humor him. If the situation escalates, I’ll step in and assess his psychiatric health.

Father always was concerned poor Hugh would snap one of these days, so I suppose this

shouldn’t come as a shock.”

“Escalates how, sir?”

“Oh, you know.” Finch pictured Everard waving a hand in the air. “If he starts smoking at the

nostrils when you’re near, or insisting that you’re treasure, or shows off his dragon to you in



The corner of Finch’s lip twitched, but he decided before opening his mouth that it was better

Everard not know. The ball was tomorrow, and when it arrived, Hugh would lose interest in him

quickly enough. Dragging his family into this would make things messy, and Finch abhorred

the idea of having to clean it all up.

“And do try to avoid being with him in private,” Everard added. “While I’m of the firm belief that

Hugh is too much of a gentleman to lay his scaly mitts on you, I could be wrong. Perhaps you

should start to carry a mace.”

“A can of mace, sir?”

“No. A mace. Or a baton, if a mace is too unwieldy. Anything should do as long as it can deliver

a nice, heavy blow. I’ll leave the choice of the bludgeon up to you.”

“Of course, sir. I’ll look into it, and I’ll be sure to let you know should matters escalate.”