Page 81 of Finch

his core, the same easily distracted whelp. Finch didn’t glitter in the sun—thank god—but he

was captivating in his own rights. Beautiful—even more beautiful than Perry, which Hugh had

once thought was impossible—intelligent, diligent, charming. God, was he charming. Hugh had

known it from the start, but only come to appreciate it lately. What a fool he’d been not to notice


“Well,” Hugh said with a laugh. “It goes to show what I know about wine. What about… ah,

yes. This is the one the sommelier mentioned was recovered from a shipwreck, correct? What

a romantic notion. Let’s make that part of our narrative.”

Finch leveled a skeptical look in Hugh’s direction, then made a note on the list. By the time

they’d completed their selection, Hugh had slipped two more coins into his pockets. He couldn’t

wait for the day Finch jingled when he walked.

* * *

“Guests have begun to RSVP to the ball,” Finch informed Hugh one afternoon not all that long

after. There were already three coins in his pockets and the secretary was none the wiser.

Hugh was positively giddy at his own cunning. “The interest thus far has been astounding. I

think it’s safe to say we’ll have a full house.”

“Incredible.” Hugh dipped his hands in his pockets and felt up another coin he was plotting to

plant on Finch. “How are preparations on the, uh, oh, what’s the word…”

“The catering, sir?”

“Yes!” Hugh hadn’t actually had anything in particular in mind, but he’d wanted to act present.

Letting Finch fill in the blanks was a safe way to make sure he felt heard. “How is the catering


“Wonderfully. We’ve locked in our appetizers and amuse-bouche, and I’ve been working hand

in hand with a local pâtissier to perfect a Funfetti petit four that will be sure to please you.”

“And the, um… the people?”

“The temporary staff?”

“Yes! I meant exactly that.”

Finch turned his attention to the folder in his arms, providing Hugh with an opportunity to slip

the coin into his pocket. Hugh did so. The blasted thing clinked against another one he’d

stowed there earlier, making Finch startle. Hugh whipped his hands away and ever so smoothly