Page 66 of Finch

“Never mind them, Finch! You’ve unraveled the mystery. Now, how do I get in touch with this

Mr. Funfetti? Or is it Mrs? Ms? Lord Funfetti… now there’s a name with a ring to it!”


“Or would you call someone who bakes cakes for a living ‘Chef’? It seems more appropriate.

What bits they have between their legs doesn’t matter as much as what they do with their

hands, which are clearly magical. In any case…” Hugh trailed off as he locked eyes with

Everard, who was seated on the opposite side of the table. His eyes narrowed suspiciously,

and a moment later he rose from his chair. The bastard. It was just like him to snipe Chef

Funfetti out from under Hugh while Hugh was otherwise distracted.

Well, not this time.

Hugh narrowed his eyes challengingly. “Don’t you dare.”

Everard leaned in to whisper something to his mate, Harrison, no doubt instructing him to join

his evil mission. As a team they’d have an advantage Hugh wasn’t sure he could beat. If the

best cake he’d ever tasted was going to be his, he needed to up his game.

“Finch,” Hugh whispered. “My brother and his mate are teaming up against me to steal the

secrets of Chef Funfetti. I need your help, or they’re sure to succeed. If you have Chef Funfetti’s

contact information, you must tell me, because if not we’ll need to mobilize and get to Perry at

the children’s table before Everard and Harrison do.”

“Sir, I don’t—”

“Then it’s imperative we make haste!”

Everard was already on the move, although strangely he was headed away from the children’s

table. It seemed an awful lot like he was trying to get to Hugh. But Everard was nothing if not

sneaky, and Hugh saw through his ruse. While he faked Hugh out, Harrison would use the

distraction as cover to slip unseen to the children’s table and vow Perry to secrecy. Such

terrible trickery could not be allowed to happen. It was time to take action.

“Brace yourself, Finch!” Hugh declared.

Finch’s eyes widened. “For what, sir?”

Hugh answered by lifting Finch out of his chair and swinging him over his shoulder. Finch


“Brother,” Everard warned, but Hugh wasn’t swayed. He held on to Finch with one arm,