above and beyond for their employer. Which is why I got you this.” From the mess of boxes at
their feet, Hugh retrieved two gifts. One was the size of a shoe box, the other no larger than a
stack of coasters. Both were wrapped in metallic purple foil. “These are for you.”
The pink tipping Finch’s ears veered toward red. “It’s not my birthday, sir.”
“I know, but you’ve gone out of your way for me today, and I wanted to show my appreciation.”
Hugh laid both presents on Finch’s lap. “Please, don’t wait—open them now.”
“Which one should I open first?”
“The larger one,” Hugh insisted. “It’s the one that will be most immediately useful.”
Carefully, Finch lifted the larger box and held it in both hands as if to weigh it. Then, after a
moment spent in reflection, he tipped the box to the side and picked away the tape securing
the triangle cutout on the side. Despite how gentle he was, the paper beneath tore. From there,
Finch ripped the rest of it off, unveiling a plain white box.
As far as packaging went it was a little bland, so Hugh had enhanced it by inscribing “FINCH”
in bold letters across the top in purple marker.
“You really shouldn’t have, sir,” Finch murmured, although he sounded pleased. “My duty is to
serve you. You don’t need to reward me for it.”
“Nonsense.” Hugh flapped a hand. “I enjoy spoiling you. Go ahead and open it, Finch. I have
a feeling you’ll enjoy what you find inside.”
Finch offered him a smile and removed the lid.
The smile decayed when he laid eyes on the box’s contents.
“It’s a… bag,” Finch remarked, flummoxed. “A Ziplock bag. And it’s full of… tiny bundles of
“Take a closer look.”
“Yes, sir.”
Finch lifted the bag by its resealable top, which was wise, since the main compartment was
stuffed absolutely full and looked ready to burst. According to Gabriel, the pool boy, it weighed
half a pound, but Hugh hadn’t thought to verify its weight before wrapping it. Regardless of its
mass, it was impressive, and that was what was important. Finch deserved as many impressive
things in his life as Hugh could afford.
“Sir, what is this, exactly?” Finch asked, both looking and sounding no less mystified than he’d