Page 183 of Finch

Hugh sat on the stoop of his lair and looked at the cigarette. As it had no eyes it didn’t look

back, but he couldn’t help but feel like it was judging him.

“Quiet, you wretched thing,” Hugh muttered. “I am very capable, I’ll have you know.”

The cigarette didn’t believe him, so Hugh taught it who was boss by willing a flame into

existence and lighting it on fire. The tip burned cherry red. The cigarette had the last laugh,

though, because as it burned it stank to high heaven. It was unlike the pipe smell Hugh

associated with gentlemen’s clubs and coffee houses. Almost skunk-like. He wrinkled his nose

and considered snuffing it out right then and there, but before he could, he was blinded by

headlights as a vehicle crested the horizon and encroached on the horseshoe drop-off point

near where he sat.

Upon closer investigation, Hugh discovered it was a minivan.

The vehicle slowed to a stop in front of him, at which point the passenger side door swung

open and out hopped his brother Alistair’s mate, Ignatius. He was wearing plaid pajama pants

and a billowy graphic t-shirt with print so faded, Hugh couldn’t hope to discern what had once

been on it. Somehow, Ignatius had forgotten to put on shoes.

Hugh watched his bare feet as Ignatius hurried over.

“Hugh!” Ignatius exclaimed. “We heard the news. I—” He came to a sudden stop a little more

than a foot away from Hugh’s position. “Uh, what’s that?”

“Oh, this?” Hugh flicked the cigarette. “Finch commanded me to use it, but I haven’t any idea

why. I’m no smoker. Worse, I think the blasted thing’s gone rancid. It smells off.”

“I don’t know. It smells good to me.” Ignatius sat beside him on the stoop and held out a hand.

“Want me to check?”

Hugh passed him the cigarette and watched the cherry glow as he took a drag. “I didn’t know

you smoked, Ignatius.”

“Have you met my boys?” he asked while holding his breath.

What a bizarre thing to ask. Hugh had, indeed, met his nephews. Many times. While Ignatius

was in attendance. He fixed Ignatius with a queer look that Ignatius didn’t notice—he was too

busy blowing smoke into the sky.

The sound of a car door closing drew Hugh’s attention to the minivan. Alistair, hair messy from

sleep, stepped around the vehicle and came to join them. He sighed when he saw his mate.