could be, Everard was there to help Finch, not hurt him, and it was in Hugh’s best interest he
let the man do his job.
What he hadn’t realized was that Everard’s business was apparently between Finch’s legs.
When Everard pulled the covers back, Hugh bristled. “Brother.”
“Hugh,” Everard said, sounding very tired. He gave Hugh the flattest look. “Really? Where do
you think babies come from? Be thankful my adorable strip of beef jerky elected to stay home
until Chuck wakes up, for he would be much more invasive. Now be a good boy and open my
bag. No, not that pocket, the other one. I’m going to need my inspection mirror.”
Hugh located the first mirror-like object and handed it to Everard, who proceeded to use it to
examine Finch in ways Hugh had never thought a man should be examined. Flushed and
unsure where to look while still being polite, Hugh turned around and crossed his arms tightly
over his chest. He wasn’t sure whether he wanted to bounce off the walls or fall into a heap.
“Well, how unexpected. We are very slick and quite dilated. Are you sure this is your first birth,
paper shredder? You’re putting Perry to shame.”
“Quite certain,” Finch strained.
“In any case, you’re doing exceptionally well. Keep breathing. I’d tell you to make an effort to
relax, but you seem to be doing that already. I can’t recall the last time I tended to a laboring
omega so composed and collected.” Something blunt and accusatory planted itself between
Hugh’s tense shoulder blades. “I wish I could say the same for you. Take a deep breath,
brother. Hold it. Now let it out. All will be well. I have no idea how it happened, but you’ve found
the most capable partner of any of us Drakes. Heaven forbid, were I to be struck dead this very
second, there is no doubt in my mind your paperweight would do just fine. He’s very capable.
Now—” Everard cut himself off. “Who the devil is that in the doorway?”
Hugh looked. There stood Gabriel, the pool boy. “Uh, special delivery for Mr. Drake?”
“Which one?” Everard inquired.
“Hugh,” Finch groaned, sounding like at any moment he might tear in two. “Give the blasted
thing to Hugh, Gabriel, then get out. All of you, get out, or I swear I will pluck you all scale by
scale until you’ve learned to be quiet.”
“It’s best we listen,” Everard said in a low voice as he steered Hugh out of the room. He shut
the door behind them. “There’s still two hours at least before he’s ready, if what I saw during