Page 126 of Finch

“Hugh.” Finch trembled. “Hugh, I’m coming!”

More sweet slick was Hugh’s reward. He lapped it up, then dipped his tongue inside, wanting

more. Finch moaned and squirmed beneath him, but with every other breath begged Hugh to

keep going. Hugh was happy to oblige.

* * *

Hugh bred Finch through the night and into the morning, filling him again and again as Finch

cried out with need. They made love in Hugh’s hoard bed—which really was the perfect color

to complement Finch’s eyes—and sometimes in the mountains of coin and other cooling

treasures Hugh had amassed over his relatively short life. From those piles of riches, Hugh

found precious things with which to adorn his omega. He slid rings with fat gemstones onto

Finch’s fingers, collared his neck with Egyptian gold, and draped him in delicate chains that

stood out brilliantly against Finch’s skin.

“More,” Finch moaned as Hugh worked another knot into him. “More, more, more…”

So Hugh cuffed his wrists with bangles, their diamonds winking from micro-pavé settings, and

crowned his dark hair with a golden circlet heavy with huge emeralds. He scattered the sheets

with handfuls of coins and decorated Finch from the inside with strands of pearly white. When

Finch came, tightening around his knot like a vise, Hugh groaned and thrust a little more,

working his riches deeper inside.

“Finch?” Hugh asked breathlessly after one of those times. Four days had passed since Finch

had first gone into heat, and if Hugh’s nose was to be trusted, Finch was starting to recover.

Hugh was, admittedly, woefully undereducated in matters of omegas’ reproductive health, but

his previous attempts to produce a clutch had all lasted a full seven days. If Finch’s heat really

was ending, then…

Hugh grinned and kissed his secretary. “Finch, sweet, do you hear me?”

“Mm?” Finch hummed. His eyes were closed and his hips rocked in a slow, steady rhythm as

he milked Hugh’s cock.

“Are you coming back to me?” Hugh asked. “I feel like you are. Do you think we’ve reached

the end?”

Finch blinked his eyes open. “Maybe. How long has it been?”

“Four days.”