Page 98 of Finch

“I’m sorry, sir. Could you repeat that?”

“I said,” Hugh went on in a slightly louder voice, “that I’m treating you to a facial.”

Even though Hugh had repeated it in a clear, loud voice, Finch knew he couldn’t have heard

that right. “A facial, sir?”

The doors to the elevator opened. Hugh led the way and Finch trotted behind him, wondering

what the hell had gotten into Hugh. Surely he couldn’t mean what Finch thought he meant,

could he? Nevertheless, a vision of Finch kneeling, naked, while Hugh stood over him and shot

his cum onto Finch’s face persisted.

Everard had been right to warn him not to let Hugh get him alone—after everything Hugh had

done for him today, Finch wasn’t sure he could resist.

“Here we are!” Hugh sang cheerfully, and Finch felt both a wave of relief and a brief stab of

disappointment. They were at a spa. The facial made ever so much more sense.

Mr. Drake and his “companion” were whisked inside, given robes, and sent to a changing room.

Hugh immediately began to disrobe. Finch just gaped at him, unable to move a muscle. He

hadn’t expected to see Hugh’s body again so soon, or indeed, ever. But the show was over far

too soon. Hugh put on his robe, turned around, and saw Finch hadn’t yet changed. “Are you

quite all right, Finch?” he asked.

Finch shut his mouth with a snap, Hugh’s perfect ass and large cock prominent in his recent

memory. “Yes, sir. Of course.”

“Then let’s get going. I can help you undress, if you like. Did any of the clothing Ashley put you

in have difficult closures? The trousers, I did notice, are quite tight.”

“No… ah… yes… that is to say, I can do it, sir. Just give me a moment.” As quickly as he could,

Finch undressed in front of Hugh and put on the provided robe. “I’m all set,” Finch smiled

faintly, “for my facial.”

“And massage!” Hugh announced happily. “I booked us a couples’ session.”

Finch felt all the blood drain from his face. “So everyone out there thinks I’m your…”

“My Finch, yes. I told them you’re my treasure. They’ve promised to take extra special care of

both of us.”

“Oh, good lord,” Finch moaned.

“I know, right? This is so very exciting.” Hugh opened the changing room door to let the spa