Page 87 of Finch

appointment available. That, or we’ll have to entrust your appearance to a stranger, and with

so much on the line, I’m not sure that would be wise. It took your current barber quite a few

attempts to learn how you best like your hair cut and styled, and while I think you look dashing

in a good trilby, I will not have you wear a hat to the ball.”

Hugh had never seen Finch so anxious. He laid a hand on his manservant’s shoulder and

squeezed, and while he hadn’t thought it’d do much good, some of Finch’s tension eased. “All

will be well,” Hugh assured him. “I know you, and I know you’d never let anything slip through

the cracks. My hair will be fine. The floor will be fine. You will be fine. And I’m here to make

sure of it.”

“What do you mean by that, sir? That I’ll be fine?” Finch peered into his eyes like he might a

small child he suspected was lying. “You’re up to something, aren’t you?”

“Perhaps,” Hugh said, and smiled. “I’ve arranged for you to take some time off on the morning

of the ball. I’ve planned something—a surprise—and I’ve dropped everything to make sure it

happens. Are you willing to hold up your end of the bargain?”

“The bargain?”

“Mmhm.” Hugh hummed. “I believe the deal was if I dropped everything, you’d owe me a

conversation. I’ll have you know I had Geoff look over the terms and nowhere did it

state where the conversation had to take place, so I’ve taken a few liberties. I hope you don’t


Finch looked too startled to be put upon. “You planned a surprise for me?”


“And you’ve arranged with the staff so that I needn’t worry about the state of the household?”

“Correct.” Hugh held out his hand. To his deep gratification, Finch took it. “You’ve worked

tirelessly to make sure my ball will be the event of the century, and now it’s my turn to work

just as hard to show you how much I appreciate your efforts. Say yes, Finch. Let me spoil you.

I know you’re busy, but I promise you won’t regret it.”

To Hugh’s great delight, Finch smiled and agreed.


Finch was beginning to worry about his employer. He’d been acting much more eccentric than

usual. His attention span, which had never been his strong suit, had become nonexistent, and