Page 79 of Finch

That summer, he’d come to the stream every day to test his luck, and little by little, his skills

improved. Three weeks after first spotting the coin, Hugh bested the current. Heart pounding

hard from the anticipation of victory, he’d darted all the way down and plucked his prize out of

the silt. Alight with excitement, he’d shot back up to the surface and caught his breath on the

shore while examining his new treasure. It was an old coin, like the ones he’d seen in his

father’s hoard, but it was even better than any of his father’s treasure, because it was his. At

least, it had been until later that night, when Everard had tricked Hugh and run off with it. The

ensuing scuffle had injured them both and been so violent that not even their beta nursemaids

had dared interfere. In the end, their father had been forced to step in and put a stop to it, and

as punishment for being so naughty, he’d taken the coin away.

Hugh had learned an important lesson that day—guard the things you love, because you never

know when they might be taken from you. Only now the thing he wanted to keep wasn’t an

object, but a man.

It was strange, Hugh thought as his gaze traced the arm of Finch’s suit jacket, that his dragon

would insist he add a man to his belongings. Heaven knew his brothers would laugh if they

found out he was considering it. It was simply not done. The purpose of a hoard was to

demonstrate wealth and, through it, accomplishment. It was a reflection of a dragon’s success,

intelligence, and cunning. Priceless artifacts, expensive jewels, and humble gold coins

conveyed that quite nicely. Human beings did not.

But Finch…

Finch was a treasure. Hugh had been saying it for years now. Seeing him in his hoard chamber

drenched in riches only confirmed it. The man was meant to be cherished, and Hugh was just

the dragon for the job.

“The caterer is asking for our final selections from the wine list, sir,” Finch announced, stirring

Hugh from his thoughts. They’d assembled in Hugh’s study, Hugh seated at his desk while

Finch stood at his side, cradling a thick folder of documents in his arm. Finch produced one of

the documents and laid it in front of Hugh. “I’ve gone ahead and made a list of the ones you

reacted positively to during the tasting. There was only one champagne you enjoyed, so with

your permission I’ll confirm it as your selection, but I’ll still need you to choose from amongst

the reds and the whites.”