Page 6 of Finch

larger than the tiny flat he’d had in London. He missed London, sometimes, but Aurora had its

compensations. Every now and then, he wondered at how his life had turned out, but never

regretted his rash decision to take a dragon, of all people, up on his offer of a job in a country

an entire ocean away from where he’d lived his whole life. There was such a thing as hiding in

plain sight, and Finch accomplished it with expert mastery. Here, on American soil, he was the

perfect, unobtrusive servant, and with Hugh vouching for him, no one within Aurora’s Attendant

network had a clue they had a Disgrace living in their midst.

Which was precisely how Finch liked it.

His life was neat, orderly, and exactly what it was supposed to be.

Finch switched on his kettle to heat water for his morning tea. He poured milk into his mug,

grabbed a PG Tips tea bag, then put in bread to toast while he waited for his kettle to whistle.

Tea having been properly prepared, Finch scrambled two eggs, buttered his perfectly golden

toast, and took it all to his small table to eat. While he did, he looked through the news

headlines to see if there was anything important he should know, then checked Hugh’s

correspondence, which came to him, as his family knew better than to expect Hugh to pay

attention to emails or texts, let alone letters. As there was nothing pressing, Finch blacked out

his phone’s screen, prepared two tiny plates with a chunk of egg and a bit of toast crust on

each, and adorned each with one perfect blueberry. He cleaned up his breakfast dishes, then

went to go visit his girls.

“Good morning, ladies,” he crooned into the large cage housed in a corner of his suite. Two

rats poked their little noses out of the nest in their hammock, sniffing the air. “Yes, that’s right,

I’ve brought breakfast.” Finch opened the cage’s door and placed each plate down. Elizabeth

and Eleanor scrambled toward them. Finch clicked his tongue in warning and they slowed

down, stopping right before the food. “Good girls,” he said, and Elizabeth grabbed her

blueberry while Eleanor picked up her chunk of egg and nibbled at it.

He closed the cage door after giving each of the girls a good ear scritch. He’d let them out of

the cage later, after his duties were performed for the day, but for now, he left them to amuse

themselves with their wheel—Eleanor’s favorite—and a tissue box—Elizabeth’s current

passion. Breakfast delivered, Finch went to wash his hands thoroughly in anticipation of the

day ahead. It was officially time to go from being Finch the man, pet rat owner and inveterate