Page 5 of Finch

“Because I’ve half made up my mind to stay right here in Aurora and invite the Disgraces that

catch my eye to come visit me. In the event I’ll need to court more than one of them before I

find my perfect match, it will be far easier. Just thinking about the paperwork I’d need to have

done to grant me clearance into each clan’s territory is giving me a headache. I can’t imagine

actually having to sit down and do it.”

“No, sir.”

“Are you worried about having guests, then?” Hugh studied Finch’s face, seeking the truth, but

found nothing but the same inexplicable disappointment. “I can hire on additional staff if you

don’t think our current fleet of Attendants is up to the increased workload. And I’d only be

inviting one Disgrace into our home at a time.”

Finch lifted his fist to his mouth and cleared his throat. “With all due respect, Mr. Drake, would

you kindly excuse me? I’m afraid I’m not feeling so well.”

Ah, there it was. That was why Finch didn’t look like himself. The tightness in Hugh’s chest

undid itself, and he dropped his hand from Finch’s shoulder. “Of course. Why don’t you take

the rest of the week off? You’ve gone above and beyond sourcing this list for me, and despite

what Father thinks, I’m old enough to be able to take care of myself for a few days. Relax and

feel better.”

Finch nodded tersely, then took a mechanical step back and turned on his heel. He hurried out

of the room on long, slender legs and closed the door to Hugh’s study softly in his wake. When

he was gone, Hugh shook his head. Oh, Finch. Always worried he’d never done enough when

in reality, he’d done three times the work of Hugh’s other Attendants. How lucky it was he’d

come under Hugh’s employ. Life would have been insufferable without him.

Pleased to have given his star employee and good friend the time off he deserved to take care

of himself, Hugh returned to his desk and began the painstaking process of selecting the very

best Disgraces from the folder. How strange and wonderful to think that one of them might one

day be his mate.



Finch rose, as he always did, at six o’clock sharp, without the aid of an alarm. He made his

bed immediately upon leaving it, then went to his kitchenette. His suite of rooms was much