Page 194 of Finch

two ounces, was not a whelp, but he was perfect. From the swirl of dark hair on his head to his

ten tiny toes, there was not a thing about him Hugh would change. According to Finch—who

was far smarter than Hugh would ever be—babies only started to resemble their parents at

around the three-week mark, when they became less wrinkly and red and more adorably

round. It didn’t stop Hugh from seeing echoes of Finch in his tiny button nose and in the shape

of his lips.

“He’s just like you,” Hugh told Finch proudly when all non-resident Drakes had been shown

from the room. “Do you see it, Finch? Do you see the resemblance? I know you said it’s too

early, but I swear, it’s there. He’ll grow up to be every bit as gorgeous as you, I can already


Theodore, who was cradled in Finch’s arms, opened and closed his mouth soundlessly. Hugh,

smitten with every little thing he did, cuddled closer to Finch’s side and stroked his son’s dark

hair. His earlier buzz had, thankfully, started to wear off. All that remained was a dopey kind of

cheerfulness that amplified his current mood.

“Do you think so?” Finch smiled down at Theodore. “If that’s the case, I hope he inherits your


“But with your sharp wit and intellect,” Hugh was quick to add. “Oh, the things he’ll accomplish

in life. I can hardly wait to see. We should set up a college fund—no, two of them. Three?

Finch, how often does a young man go to college? I’m afraid education was never a top priority

of mine, and even had it been, so much has changed since I was of schooling age that I doubt

my experience would be much of a help at all.”

“Sir, you are in possession of a hoard. A college fund won’t be necessary.”

“Are you saying college costs a hoard’s weight in gold?” Hugh’s eyes bulged. “Good lord, how

does Rey sleep at night?”

“No, sir.” Finch chuckled. “College is expensive, but even if we had eleven children enrolled in

the finest institutions in the world, it wouldn’t put a dent in your net worth.”

“Ah. Good. And we will send Theodore to the finest institutions, won’t we?”

“If it’s what he wants.”

“Yes. Yes, of course. As long as it’s what he wants.” Hugh introduced his pinkie finger to

Theodore’s hand and was delighted when he grasped it. The boy was small, but his grip was