Page 187 of Finch

It was jarring to hear Finch swear, but understandable given the circumstances. Hugh finished

positioning the pillows, then climbed onto the bed and sat within arm’s length of his lover. A

strange feeling was creeping through him, like goosebumps, but on the inside. It tingled in his

arms and legs, his chest, his head, his face. It was particularly noticeable in his fingers and

lips, where it buzzed like static.

“Everard,” Hugh said when Finch collapsed onto the bed following his latest contraction. “Why

haven’t you administered anything to help with his pain?”

“He requested a natural birth.”

Another pillow struck the dresser. It collided with one of the ornate metal handles, which

clattered against the wood, then fell to the floor. Hugh knew he ought to retrieve it, but the floor

seemed awfully far away, and he was so comfortable where he was. The prickling static in his

fingers was only getting stronger, and when he ran his fingertips over the back of his hand, it

felt like absolute magic. If only Finch could feel it, too.

Inspiration struck like lightning. Hugh gasped. “I can help.”

“I would bloody well hope you can,” Everard said. “I can’t deliver the baby from behind the


Hugh ignored his annoying brother and set his sights on Finch, who was glossy with sweat and

narrow-eyed with suspicion. “Finch, I’ve had a wonderful idea. Do you trust me?”

Finch’s mouth twitched, but ultimately he said, “Yes.”

“Good. I promise, everything will be okay. I’ll make sure of it.”

Delighted with himself for his ingenuity, Hugh opened their mate bond as wide as he could and

flooded it with the tingling sensation. Finch gasped, and a moment later his shoulders sagged

and his eyelids drooped. He pushed the hair back from his brow with a trembling hand, then

dropped his arm and sighed.

“Better?” Hugh asked.

Finch nodded.

“It feels amazing, doesn’t it?” Hugh dropped onto the bed beside Finch and grinned like a loon.

“I was sure there wasn’t enough in that cigarette to do much of anything, but I only took three

puffs and… well… apart from when I’m with you, I’m not sure I’ve ever felt so good.”

“Mm,” Finch hummed, but didn’t otherwise reply. Hugh didn’t mind. Conversation wasn’t a top