Page 144 of Finch

Finch came home.

Hugh started by sweeping the floor. When he was done, he cleared the cobwebs from the

ceiling and chased a spider away with the bristles of his broom. He wasn’t entirely sure if

brooms were designed for ceilings, but he had no idea what tool he’d otherwise use, and it did

the job well enough. After scouring one of the supply closets for cleaning spray, he washed

the insides of the room’s windows—the outsides would have to wait for warmer weather—then

stopped to survey what he’d accomplished.

The room looked better, but not perfect. The floor was dull and lifeless, nowhere near as shiny

as the other floors were in the rest of the house. Seeing as how construction crews weren’t in

and out of the estate every other month to replace the flooring, Hugh deduced that there was

some way the staff kept the wood vibrant. He discovered the solution by accident whilst

returning the cleaning spray to the supply closet—“rejuvenating oil.” According to the bottle, it

would clean and restore finished wood and penetrate deep. Hugh wasn’t necessarily interested

in that last bit, but he tucked it in his back pocket for later should Finch come back home feeling


Hugh loaded himself up with five very large bottles of the stuff and carted his spoils back to the

future nest room, where he dumped the oil straight out of the bottle onto the floor, working from

the perimeter of the room inward. By the time he was done, the drab-looking wood shone like

a carefully polished suit of armor. Pleased with himself, Hugh beamed at his new, stunning

floor. It was, perhaps, slightly more wet than he’d like, but all liquids evaporated given time.

Small, oily ocean aside, what an excellent job he’d done.

Now that the room was in pristine condition, it wasn’t hard to imagine what it would look like

when it was complete. Sheers would be installed, of course, running from the ceiling to the

floor. They would be paired with royal purple curtains of equal grandeur that would add a pop

of color to an otherwise serene space. Hugh would have the light fixtures updated and the

walls painted. An armchair would be placed in the corner and a stately dresser would occupy

the far wall. Other furniture would be added, too, as per Finch’s instructions. There was no

telling what a nesting omega might need.

Regardless of what other furniture would be installed, the crowning feature of the room would

be the egg bed. It would be circular, as most egg beds were, with a solid wood headboard