Page 130 of Finch

absurd, but Finch loved them. He loved every single word that came out of Hugh’s mouth, no

matter how silly it might be.

Finch, in short, allowed himself thirteen days to wallow in Hugh’s regard. He let himself dream

of love, and marks, and forever. He hoped, in a hard and helpless sort of way, that his body

held the thing that Hugh most wanted in the world. But, shoved deep under layers of happy

dreams, contentment, pleasure, and love as sweet as honey, Finch still worried, made plans,

and tried not to hope too hard, just in case that was what jinxed him.

* * *

On the Wednesday evening before the appointment, Finch took charge. Despite his new

relationship with his employer, he was still Hugh’s secretary, and he knew a thing or two about

organization. He spent the day with Hugh playing with the girls—Hugh had become particularly

fond of Elizabeth—and then baking a Funfetti cake for that night’s pudding. After the cake was

carefully put in the oven by the formidable Emma, Finch drew Hugh to his hoard and asked to

be told the story behind several of his most interesting pieces. Hugh cheerfully nattered on,

happy as the proverbial clam, and when Finch drew him to the bed in the center of the room,

Hugh went with no fuss at all.

“Finch, you wicked boy. I see your plan now!”

“I’m hardly a boy, Hugh.”

Hugh huffed, a bit of smoke escaping through his nose. “You, my love, are but an infant

compared to me.”

Finch couldn’t help but smile. “I’m afraid that doesn’t sound much better.”

“Nonsense. Now come here so I can undress you, my darling boy.” Hugh made a grab for

Finch, but he nimbly stepped out of reach. “Finch?” Hugh asked, sounding plaintive.

“Tonight, I wish to do something different. These past weeks have been beyond lovely, but I

want more.”

Hugh looked both concerned and intrigued. “What kind of more?”

Finch disrobed quickly and efficiently, folding his clothes neatly as he went and laying them

down on a small gilt table. “Tonight I wish to serve you, sir.”

“Hugh, Finch. In bed, I’m Hugh.”

“Sir,” Finch insisted. “Please.”