Page 112 of Finch

be so bad to lay Finch down here, coil around him protectively, nose into the crook of his neck,

and breathe, and breathe, and breathe…

Hugh only snapped to when the elevator door began to slide shut. He intercepted it with his

foot and exited into the hallway, but while his head had come to its senses, his heart wouldn’t

stop racing. Where the devil had the floor idea come from? Finch needed a bed, not an

elevator. A cold, hard metal surface would never do.

Although, come to think of it, Finch did seem to be running a temperature. He was unusually

hot to the touch.

“Perhaps the stress is getting to me as well.” Hugh chuckled. “What a strange night this has

been so far, and it’s barely even started. Now, let’s get you settled before my daydreams get

any more bizarre.”


Hugh carried Finch to his room, where he laid him in bed on top of his sheets and loosened

the knot of Finch’s tie. Once it was out of the way, Hugh undid the buttons of his shirt and

removed his clothing from the waist up, letting Finch’s feverish body breathe. He hung the

clothing on the back of a nearby chair, then returned to the bedside. Finch seemed to be

coming to.

“Mmph,” Finch groaned from behind closed lips.

“Hush, Finch. There’s no need to speak. I’m here, and I’ll take care of you. You can count on

me.” Hugh undid Finch’s belt and removed his pants and shoes, marveling all the while at his

svelte figure. Sure, he’d noticed it at the fitting, but it hadn’t struck him then in the way it struck

him now. To Hugh’s great embarrassment, his eyes weren’t the only part of him to notice the

change—his cock twitched, too, roused by the beauty before him. Determined not to let his

libido interfere with what was right, Hugh put the remainder of Finch’s clothing aside and came

to hold his hand. “While I’m no Everard,” he said, “I do have limited healing abilities. With some

luck, what I can offer will be enough to help you overcome the effects of… whatever it is that’s

left you in such a state.”

Finch only moaned, so Hugh went forward with channeling his magic into him.

“It may feel strange,” Hugh explained in a soft voice as his magic diffused through Finch’s

veins. “Unfortunately, I’m rather clumsy at all of this. I don’t tend to get close enough to others