Page 1 of Upshot



I’m living in a dream world. That’s the only way it can be described. I graduated with a degree in fashion design from Syracuse in the spring. While spending the summer in New York City as an intern at one of the design firms, I was scouted by a modeling agency. With barely a second thought, I accepted their offer.

Now I’m standing in the doorway to the hotel bar with my best friend Sara after a long day of shooting. We were sent to Phoenix together for the week for a fashion shoot. This is our last night. We fly back to New York on an early flight tomorrow morning. I can’t wait to see the photos. The location was beautiful but hot. I’m ready to get out of the heat.

The first thing I did when we got back was to take a long shower. Sara insisted we should get one last drink before heading home. I think she has her eye on the photographer. He mentioned something about spending the evening in the bar.

“So what’s the plan?” Sara asks. I know she’s already spotted Joel on the other side of the room. Far be it for me to stand in the way of a hookup. Damn, I’m a good wingman.

“I’m thinking about finding the hottest guy in here and chatting him up for the evening. Maybe I can get a couple of free drinks out of the deal,” I answer.

“Ooh, I like that plan. Okay, I already see a good candidate,” she says. “Meet in the lobby at five tomorrow morning?”

I open my mouth to protest, but she’s already halfway across the floor. Last I checked, we didn’t have to leave until around six. I should just return to my room, but I’m already here. Might as well have a drink.

I scan the room for a second time before settling on my quarry. He’s sitting at the bar, sipping what looks like whiskey. He’s wearing a very nice suit that I’d guess set him back several thousand dollars.

But that’s not what snagged my attention. It’s the fact that he has two dimples that appear when he laughs at something the bartender says. I’m not a gold digger, so the money that drips off him doesn’t matter. But personality does. He scores pretty high on the looks category too. Win, win.

So here’s the plan: share a drink or two, banter a little, then return to my room. You don’t have to worry about me. I don’t spread my legs just because some guy buys me a few drinks at the bar. True, I’m a lot more daring than my older sisters, but I know where to draw the line. All I’m looking for is a pleasant evening, visiting with a good-looking man.

“Hi, is this seat taken?” I ask, walking up to the bar.

“No, please,” the man answers. He stands to assist me with the stool. He’s tall. I’m five foot ten, and he’s several inches taller than me. When I’m settled in on my stool, he motions for the bartender. “Would you care for something to drink?”

“What are you having?”

“An old fashioned.”

I’m not really a huge whiskey drinker. I contemplate my choices for a second before settling on what I’m in the mood for.

“I think I want a dirty martini. The dirtier, the better.” With a nod, the bartender moves down the bar to fix my drink. “I’m Brontë,” I say, holding out my hand.

“Like the writers?”

“Charlotte, to be precise.”

“I like that. It’s unusual. My name’s Rand.” He takes my hand, holding it just a second too long. “It’s nice to meet you, Brontë.”

“So what brings you to Phoenix, Rand?” I ask. The bartender arrives with my martini. I take a hearty sip, letting out a moan as the cool liquid rolls down my throat, signifying the end of a very long week. No matter what I do, I just can’t seem to get enough to drink here. I notice Rand watching me. With a smile, I look up at him.

“Uh, what? Oh, I’m here at a conference,” he stammers. He’s very cute.

“What’s the conference about?”

“Real estate. Not very exciting, unfortunately. Why are you in Phoenix? Do you live here?”

“I’m not a hooker trolling the local bar, if that’s what you’re asking,” I answer.

“Oh, god. No, that’s not what I meant at all,” he says, turning an adorable shade of red.

“I’m just teasing you. Don’t freak out,” I say, pressing my hand on his thigh. So, a man with obvious wealth who stammers and blushes. This is turning out to be a fun evening. “My friend and I are out here shooting a fashion layout.”

“So you’re a model?”

“I am,” I answer. Rand goes silent as he stares at the bottles behind the bar. Finally, he turns to face me.