Page 57 of Upshot

When we reach the living room, I grab two blankets. One I use to wipe up the couch, the other to cover her when she settles on it.

“Rand!” she exclaims and bends forward as far as she can. I press the stopwatch on my phone. It takes a little longer for her to relax again. I make a note of the time on my phone then press the stopwatch again. “You know what’s stupid?”

“What?” I glance up at her.

“I’ve had these pains in my back all afternoon and just assumed I slept weirdly. I think they were early labor pains.”

“Well, according to what I’m reading, we need to head that way regardless. Do you want me to call your family?”

“Can you take me?”

“I would be honored.” As if she has to ask. I want to be there every step of the way if she’ll let me. “Let me back the car out of the garage, and I’ll come get you. Okay?”

She nods, and I’m out the door before she can count to three.

I pull out and reverse back into the driveway. That way the passenger door is on her side. Leaving her door open, I sprint back into the house. She’s having another contraction. According to my phone, it’s only been six minutes. Shit.

“Okay, let’s go.” I help Brontë off the couch, grab a blanket, and start us for the car. I’ll call her family when we get to the hospital. We have a thirty minute drive, and this baby is coming whether we’re ready or not. I don’t want my first experience with him or her to be delivering it in the back seat of my car.

“Where did this come from?”

“What?” I ask, climbing into the driver’s seat.

“This ‘car’?” She even uses finger quotes.

“It’s one of the ones I had in California.”

“One? You have more than one G-Wagon? How do you even have one?”

“I bought it before I left.” She cocks an eyebrow at me. “It has a good safety rating for the baby.” I mean, duh. “And this bitch will haul ass, which is exactly what we’re about to do to the hospital.”

She stares at me with a smirk until the next contraction hits. I throw it in gear and work hard on setting a land speed record between here and the hospital.

* * *


How we didn’t die on the way here, I have no idea. Rand was a man on a mission. I’m sure the last thing he wanted was to take a chance on ruining his back seat delivering a baby.

A G-Wagon. I’d roll my eyes, but right now, I’m resting between bouts of his kid trying to rip my uterus apart. Why did I think drunk, stranger sex was a good idea?

“Do you want me to call your family?” He’s asked me that question several times. I don’t know why I keep shaking my head. For some reason, I don’t want a cacophony around me.

Rand, bless him, has been amazing since we got here. He fetches ice chips when my mouth is dry, keeps on top of the nurses, and has let me crush his hand during the worst pain.

“Not yet,” I say, and he nods.

“Let’s see how we’re progressing,” Dr. Hoffman says, breezing into the room. Rand stands. She reaches under my gown and mines for gold for what feels like an eternity. “I’d say you’re ready for your epidural.” Yes, that. Please, that. “I’ll let them know and will be back in a little while.”

“Thank you, doctor.” Rand walks her to the door. He stands, staring down the hall. I hope that the anesthesiologist hurries before he’s hunted down by a very anxious father.

“Rand?” I call.

“Yes, what can I get you?” he asks, hurrying back into the room.

“Will you stay with me? I know Austen was my birth partner or whatever they called it in class. But I want you here. I’m scared.” The last part comes out as a whisper.

“I’m here until you chase me out. And then I’ll just be pacing the hallway outside.” I laugh. I can’t help it, I really need one right now. “Everything is going to be fine. You are the most amazing woman I know. You can do this.”