Page 5 of The Hate Date

I extricate my fingers from hers and take a sip of water. “Well, I’m glad we could catch up. I hope this gives you some closure.”

“Closure?” Ronni’s nose scrunches up in confusion.

“Isn’t that why we’re having lunch? Complete your Hawaiian High chapter now that Kircher’s in prison?“ Might as well say it, this lunch isn’t about a role.

Ronni laughs. “Oh, Clover. I knew you’d be perfect.”

“For what?” I tilt my head.

“The lead in the new show I’m doing for Netflix.” She picks up the menu and casually peruses it as though she didn’t just give me the comeback offer of a lifetime.

I sit slack-jawed for a beat before I manage to eek a word out, “Me? Why aren’t you the lead?”

“So you do know about the show.“ Her eyes sparkle. “I planned to star in it. After the babies, the network didn’t think I’d be camera-ready given our expedited shooting schedule.”

This infuriates me, and I let it show. “Ronni. Let’s not mince words. I’m distinctively larger than you are. No one’s casting a size ten woman as a lead. I may hate it, but it’s true.”

“Trust me. I’ve avoided too many delicious carbs for years to stay thin. This industry is brutal on a woman’s self-esteem no matter what size we are. In this instance, I’m realistic. I’ve been on television for years. The public has a certain perception of me and what I look like.” Ronni shrugs and leans back.

I can’t help but shake my head. “Sizeist bullshit.”

“It’s okay…well, not okay but the reality is my body hasn’t fully bounced back yet. While I could push the issue and probably win, somehow I don’t find myself caring anymore.” Ronni’s eyes shine. “I’m in love. I have two adorable babies. This is my chance to take my career to the next level, but I’ve never been on this side of the business.”

My mind whirls with excitement. Anticipation.

“It’s going to take all of my focus because I want this show to be groundbreaking,” Ronni continues. “Plus, I’m not in the headspace to play this character. Which is why you, my dear, are perfect. I need you. I can’t produce, direct, and act with twin babies to take care of.”

I don’t say anything. I can’t. This is the most unexpected and incredible opportunity I’ve ever had.

When my silence goes on too long, Ronni taps the table with her perfectly manicured nude nail. “You’re awfully quiet. What do you think? Do you hate the idea?”

“They’ve cleared me?” I squeak, anticipating her to say she hasn’t run it past them yet. I’m not going to get my hopes up if this is still up in the air.

“Yes. Of course. Kris Blakely, my producing partner, and the network think you’re perfect.” She can’t help but show her excitement. “It all came together when I showed them the interview you gave to People last month about your divorce and new philosophy on dating. I believe the exact word was, ‘genius.’”

I’m shocked yet again. Genius? What the heck? “I guess I should ask for some details. How would casting me be so genius?”

Ronni giggles. “Well, let’s see. You’d be playing a gorgeous woman who’s divorced from a cheating asshole. She’s decided that her taste in men sucks. In her attempt to get back in the game, she makes a pact with herself to only date men who are the opposite of who she’s usually attracted to. Hilarity ensues.”

Without thinking, I clap my hand against my mouth. My eyes couldn’t be wider. I’m literally stunned silent.


Ronni is patient. She waits.

“Wait, so it’s essentially, um, a show about my life?” I breathe out when I’m able to talk again.

She slaps her hand on the table. “I swear, Clover. I’ve had this idea written down for a couple of years. It’s like the timing of all of this was meant to be. Please say yes.”

“Omigod. Yes!” I shimmy in my seat. “Yes. Yes. Yes. Thank you. It’s an incredible offer.”

The rest of lunch goes by in a blur as Ronni fills me in on the script and accelerated timeline for shooting. We leave with her promise to have a contract for me by the end of the week. If the terms are acceptable—and let’s face it, the odds of me turning it down are zilch—I’ll be heading to Vancouver BC to start filming in a couple of months.

For the first time in nearly a year, life is definitely looking up.

Chapter two
