It doesn’t take long for us to polish off our delicious meal.

“My phone must be charged by now,” Arianne says, grabbing it. “God, we’ve only been in the air for three hours?”

“Nine more to go!”

“Maybe I should follow your example and get some work done instead of being lazy.”

“You needed it.”

“Henceforth, I’ll avoid expensive champagne that goes down way too smoothly on a work night. Goodbye, Dom Perignon,” she says, resting the back of her hand against her forehead. It’s a little dramatic.

“You were drinking Dom?” I ask. “You have great taste.”

“Phoebe insisted we had a lot to celebrate. Since Oscar buys the stuff at cost, she splurged. I drank.”

“Don’t sweat it.”

“It feels wrong, though,” she says.

“Well, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.”

She furrows her eyebrows. “What do you mean? You weren’t even there.”

“Thanks to Dom Perignon, I was able to see a very different side of you this morning.”

“I’ll never be able to live that one down, will I?”

“It’s unlikely. You looked so vulnerable. So unhinged. The only other time I’ve seen you let go of control is right before you scream out my name.”

She clears her throat, her eyes shifting from left to right to see if the flight attendant is in earshot.

“Okay,” she says, fanning herself. “Well…” she clears her throat again. “I’m going to pretend you never said that by losing myself in work.”

“It’s our little secret!” I wink.

Her cheeks redden.

“You’ve been spending a lot of time with Flora lately,” I say, changing the subject.

“We’ve had three meetings so far and I’ve been brainstorming. I want to go over the proposal I’m putting together for an idea that’s been bouncing around in my head.”

“I can’t wait to see what you come up with,” I say.

“The trip to Germany will only solidify the idea or kill it altogether.”

“I have no doubt we’re going to get a lot out of this business trip.”

“Leave it to Easton for scoring something this monumental.”

I nod. “I agree.”

“Before I jump into the proposal, I want to check my messages. I’m sure Phoebe must be worried sick,” she says, connecting to WiFi.

“Sounds good.” I open my laptop and close the article I was reading before Arianne sees it.


My head whips in her direction. “What is it?”