A series of bells ring and voices shout from around us.

“People are calling out for help,” I say.

“Thank God.”

“If there’s a building-blackout, it won’t do us much good,” I say. “We might be stuck here for a while.”

“Maybe we should call 911?” she says.

“I’m certain someone already has.”

She lets out a huff of resignation.

“Since we don’t know how long we’re going to be here, it’s best to conserve the battery life on our phones.”

She lets out a frustrated groan this time. “Why the hell do they have a button on the dashboard if it doesn’t even work? I’m pretty sure it’s not for decoration.”

“In many ways, it is.”

“That’s stupid!”

“It’s about perceived control.”

She snorts. “That’s ridiculous.”

“From where I was standing”—and thank you for the exquisite view, by the way—“I could see it all play out.”

“What are you talking about?” she asks.

“By believing you were in control of your fate—or at least how quickly you got to the nineteenth floor—your stress level diminished. It was all an illusion. How’s your stress level now?” I couldn’t help myself.

“You’re a comedian, aren’t you?”

“Something like that.” I chuckle. “Since we might be trapped in here for God knows how long, we might as well relax and enjoy the downtime.”

“Relax? Relax?”

I sense she disagrees.

This woman is wound up so tight.

I’d taken great pleasure in checking out her fine ass in her snug pencil skirt that hits her below the knee. I could develop a fetish because of that skirt. And those shapely calves, thanks to those killer high heels…


I wish I’d caught a glimpse of her face. At least I was able to appreciate her beautiful profile.

Maybe if her hair wasn’t pulled that tight, she wouldn’t be this stuck up.

I’m sure I can help in that department.

I’d love nothing more than to fuck up her hair to find out how long it was before wrapping it around my wrist and pulling––

“I can’t relax!” She exhales a long breath. “I’m supposed to be at a meeting as we speak.”

You and me both, babe.

“God, I hate being trapped in a small space.” Her hand slaps against what sounds like her thigh.