Bryce’s voice is soft. Deadly. The indignation burning in his blue eyes seals Brad’s fate.

Chapter 32


Bryce moved into a luxury rental apartment while the penthouse he purchased is being renovated. For the past two weeks, I’ve spent more time here than I do at my place. Falling asleep by his side and waking up nestled into his body each morning is a dream come true. So far, we’ve enjoyed breakfast every morning together.

I couldn’t ask for more.

What a crazy journey to end up with this man.

I never thought I would thank Brad Hyler for destroying my life.

Fingers crossed Bryce’s team tracks him down.

To my surprise and elation, Bryce doesn’t demand I stop working for Alistair. He made peace with the idea and not only gave me work, but also referred me to a few of his contacts. Becoming a translator wasn’t a goal. Neither was working for Todd. At least this way, I can chip away at my debt without having to spread my legs.

Life is a cabaret until it’s not.

Bryce grumbles dropping his latte cup on the saucer and his iPad on the table. “The thought of going into the office gives me a headache.”

I finish chewing my chocolate croissant before speaking. “Why?”

“Every time I look at those goddamn light fixtures, I get a headache.”

“Didn’t you approve them before buying the building?”

“I wasn’t crazy about them, but time was of the essence. I wanted to move here to be with you. The real estate agent was hung up on the fact they were hand-picked by a hotshot designer who’s responsible for the trendy decor for a night club in Vegas known as the party central for rich kids. I was hoping my brain would stop noticing them. Didn’t happen. They’re all I see and they’re irritating the fuck out of me.”

“Can’t the designer change them for another model?”

“If only we were able to get our hands on him. His executive assistant keeps assuring the real estate agent we’re on the call back list. Four days later, she’s still waiting. As per the contract I signed, I have a two-week grace period before I’m stuck with those lamps forever.”

I frown. “What are you going to do if he doesn’t respond before the end of the week?”

“I don’t appreciate being given the runaround. When I get into the office, I’m going to call my lawyer. I intend on returning the lamps and requesting compensation.”

“Good idea. That’ll get his attention. I’m sure you’ll get a quick call back.”

“He’s on my shit list. I’ve already told the real estate agent I have someone else in mind.”


“Your sister.”

My eyebrows hit my forehead. “My sister? As in Ciara?”

“Unless you have another sister you haven’t told me about, yes.”

My heart jumps into my throat “Why her?”

He stares at me as if I grew a second head. “Isn’t she a lighting designer?”

I don’t like where this is going. “Yes.”

“The lights at Betony are modern, but elegant.”

“They are.” It’s not like I can deny it. I went on and on about them the last time we were there.