I blink in disbelief.

“What is it, Ari?”

I read the headline out loud.


“Oh, shit,” Phoebe says. “I can’t believe this farce of a relationship has lasted this long.”

“Neither can I.”

“I’m so sorry, Ari.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“I know, but you didn’t need to find out this way.”

I let out a disgusted sound. “I didn’t need to find out at all, but it is what it is.”

A tidal wave of harsh reality shatters the lighthearted moment I was sharing with my best friend.

There it is in black and white.

It’s indisputable.

I’m assaulted with memories I’d rather forget. The effect is the same as torrential rain dosing a raging California bush fire, leaving behind shards of debris where life once existed.

“If this ridiculousness goes through, I’m sure the wedding will be as gaudy as she is,” Phoebe says. “The bitch has zero taste or class.”

Phoebe is being a good friend, but that doesn’t change the facts. The bitch got exactly what she wanted.

“Talk to me, Ari,” Phoebe says when I remain frozen in silence.

“This is why I stay the hell away from men.”

No more relationships.

No more tears.

No more drama.

And no more trusting someone who will stomp all over your heart.

Love sucks.

The pain may have subsided, but the humiliation… it’s still vivid enough to keep me steadfastly bound to the promise I made to myself when I got the hell out of Silicon Valley.

Chapter 11


Seventeen more days…

You can do it.

Damn right you can!

You can do anything you set your mind to.