Page 32 of P.S. I Dare You

“You want to know how I know it’s not going to happen again, Keane?” he asks.

I swallow, nodding.

“Because I don’t fuck women I have to see every day. If I wanted that, I’d have married my college girlfriend.” Calder releases his hold on the door and backs into the lobby.

The doors close.

I ride down, lost in a wormhole of confusion, to the main level.

I’m not sure why he felt the need to make a big show of telling me it won’t happen again. All he had to say was he agreed and leave it at that.

If his intention is to get me to hate him, I have to admit … it’s working.


I have to admit, I expected her to throw herself at me today. I expected tension so ripe, we’d have no choice but to act on it—especially since we went all of Friday without so much as exchanging a single word thanks to my father hijacking my schedule. But what I got was a girl who showed up, did exactly what I told her to do, and kept her hands to herself.

I’m not used to this—girls with self-restraint.

But it’s for the best.

Over the course of the past week, my life has become unrecognizable. Throwing a few more complications into the mix won’t help anything. And besides, if I fuck my assistant, that makes me no better than the man whose shoes I’m being forced to fill.

I’m better than that.

She’s better than that.

And I meant what I said—I don’t fuck girls I have to see every day.

“Closing up?” the security guard asks, looking up from his Spiderman comic.

I nod, heading back to my father’s office to grab summaries and lock the door. Five minutes later, I hit the pavement, opting to take the long way home. I haven’t been able to run all week and my muscles are screaming from too much sitting. My body wasn’t designed to be this sedentary.

Popping into a little Eastern medicine shop off Houston, I grab this miracle balm one of my Olympic skier friends told me about. I don’t know what the hell is in it, I just know it smells like nothing and works like magic the instant I rub it into my skin.

I leave the shop and hook a left, passing a trendy Japanese eatery across the street called Kaio, where their waitlist spans months because apparently pancakes shaped like sushi is the next hot thing. A small outdoor dining area is filled with patrons, and the benches outside hold even more, all of them patiently waiting, noses buried in their phones.

Crossing the street, I glance back at the restaurant once more when something catches my eye. Seated at a table for two on the patio is Aerin Keane and an exceptionally handsome gentleman in green scrubs.

I watch them long enough to see him smile, her laugh.

She reaches across the table and bats at his hand.

He rolls his eyes.

They look like they’ve known each other forever, completely comfortable in each other’s presence. Her shoulders are relaxed, his legs crossed.

So that’s why she was so adamant about us not sleeping together again—she has a boyfriend.

I smirk, rounding the corner and getting the hell away before I start to care again, only ten steps later, I’m in the presence of an overly excitable blonde with flailing arms running in my direction.

“Oh my God! Calder? Calder Welles, is that you?” Thessaly Thomas, a socialite-turned-reality-TV-star I foolishly stuck my dick into in my early twenties, practically wraps her entire body around me, nearly letting her mint green Birkin fall to the ground in the process. “I can’t believe it’s you! How are you? Ugh. You look so good. It isn’t fair. I swear you look even better than when we were dating and that’s saying a lot because …”


We went on five dates.

I’d hardly call that dating.

And the only reason I knew it was five was because she went all out for our “one-month anniversary,” hiring some C-list band to give us a private concert on the rooftop of her father’s pool club in the Meatpacking District.

“What are you up to these days?” she asks, hand on her hip and smile on her face. Her forehead is smooth, glass-like. And her lips are much larger than I remember. “What’s new?”

She asks like it’s any of her business, like she cares. But I see that thirsty look in her eyes. Rejection does something to you. It makes you want the things you shouldn’t have, the things you can’t have.

“You’re looking good. CrossFit?” She smooths a palm down my arm.

Thessaly knows she can’t have me, and God, does she still want me even after all these years.

“I was just telling Raya—you remember Raya, right? About how you took me skiing in Vermont for our third date. Do you still have your plane?” she asks. “A Cessna, was it?”