But he was mine. And I would always choose him.

“Look after Lorian. Hold him tight and savor every moment. He’s been waiting a long time for you.”

Cavis’s words burned through my mind, turning my doubts to ash. He’d known. Somehow, Cavis had known. For a moment, I couldn’t even breathe as the grief swamped me.

Dropping my hand to the hourglass, I lifted it, studying the incandescent sand.

Time. It all came down to time.

I’d been convinced we would one day be separated. Because he would have to go back to Conreth and I would take my throne.

I’d been certain that love was being willing to give someone up if that was what was best for them. But I was wrong.

Love was being willing to fight.

It was being willing to stand up and say, It’s you and me, we’re in this together, and gods help anyone who attempts to tear us apart.

It wasn’t up to me to manage Lorian’s relationship with his brother. If he tried to do that to me, I would be livid. No, all I could do was love him, support him, and make it clear that no matter what he lost, even if he shattered into a million pieces, I’d be right there to put him back together. Just like he’d done for me.

Something frozen in my chest began to melt.

I turned, and my heart stopped as I surveyed every inch of him, from his dark hair to his knife-sharp cheekbones, that strong jaw, his large hands, which could kill one moment and be so incredibly tender the next. He took up so much space in the room—in every room—his shoulders back, feet spread wide, arms crossed, as if daring me not to accept him.

“I’m finished thinking,” I said.

His face remained blank. But his green eyes had taken on a feral gleam.

“When I was captured…all I could think was that you’d told me you loved me and I hadn’t said it back. But I feel it, Lorian. Gods, I feel it. And I never want you to wonder if I love you the way you love me. We have a lot of work to do, and you need to promise me you won’t keep anything like this from me again. I can’t stand you lying to me. You know how I feel about lies.”

A ravenous hunger had entered his eyes, as if it was taking everything in him not to touch me now. But he was waiting. And he was listening.

“I know, wildcat. And I’m sorry.”

He might regret his actions, but he would do the same thing again. Because he couldn’t bear the thought of my thinking he only wanted me because of our mating.

“I getwhy you did it. I’m annoyed, but I understand why you waited.”

“You love me.” He smiled, and it was so beautiful, my breath hitched.

I nodded. “I love you. Even when you’re pushing me to the brink of madness with your domineering attitude.”

His grin widened. “And you’re mine.”

My throat tightened. “I’m yours. Just as you’re mine.”

His eyes darkened with triumph, and he pulled me to him, backing me toward the wall. “Swear it.”

“I swear it.”

He caught my chin, staring down at me. “Now hear this—I love you. I’m yours forever. I will never leave you. If you want to take back your kingdom, I’ll be by your side. You want to hide in mine? I’ll be there too. If you want to bring down the barrier and get on a ship to some far-flung continent with new lives and no titles—as just Prisca and Lorian—I’ll make it happen. Just tell me what you want.”

A heady rush surged through me, and I cupped Lorian’s face. He really meant it. He would do anything, go anywhere, as long as we were together. I’d done nothing to deserve a love like his, but it was mine now. And I’d never give it up.

“You,” I said. “I just want you.”

He shuddered against me. And then his hand was tangled in my hair and he was kissing me like he was drowning and I was his air. I angled my head and opened for him, and his tongue stroked mine, his other hand cupping my face, holding me as if he was afraid I’d disappear.

He let out a ragged sigh against my mouth, and I inhaled him, drawing in his desperation, his need. He slid his hands beneath my tunic, gently caressing the skin across my lower back, before pushing my tunic over my head and expertly removing the flexible band covering my breasts. I shivered as the cool air hit my skin, my nipples peaking as he stroked and played.