The guard swallowed. He reeked of fear. It rolled off him in waves, penetrating the dungeon. I could feel the others stepping closer.

“The woman?” I demanded.

“She w-was weak.Sick. She spent all day sleeping. We thought she would die.”

Fae fire exploded from me. I managed to channel it into the wall behind us, gritting my teeth and pulling my power back down where it belonged.

When the last spark disappeared, everyone looked at me. My hand tightened around the guard’s throat, and I stared back at them.

“How long has that been happening?” Galon asked.

“It only happened one other time. At Eryndan’s castle.”

Rythos angled his head. “Because Prisca is your mate. And you haven’t truly claimed her.”

The guard choked.

Ignoring him, Rythos shook his head. “I’d wondered.”

Turning my attention back to the guard, I shook him. “Speak.”

He shuddered, his eyes so wide, they were mostly white. “She somehow managed to get the manacles off and escaped her cell. Tiran attacked. She disarmed him and held him at swordpoint. I’m not sure how she was even standing,” he said, reluctant admiration coating his words. “She asked Tiran where we were. He told her he was going to rape her and kill her. She stabbed him in the throat.”

Sounded like Prisca in a rage. It didn’t happen often, but her temper occasionally rivaled mine. Pride warred with the fury churning through me.

“What happened next?”

“She kept stopping time. She’d disarmed all of us. She also…freed the other prisoner.”

I tightened my hold. “Who is the prisoner?”

“I-I don’t know. I swear. When I asked a few weeks ago, Gorris said he’d been here for a while.”

Was this man still with Prisca? Why did she free him? I almost shook my head at the thought. She’d freed him because she couldn’t help herself.

“What. Happened. Next?”

“We told her what she wanted to know,” the guard said, as if the answer was obvious. I supposed it was.

Behind me, Rythos let out a low, admiring whistle.

“Where did she go?”

“I don’t know. I swear.”

“Marth,” I said, keeping my eyes on the guard.

“You want me to look?”


The guard shuddered, likely unaware of what that meant, but fearing it all the same. His eyes wheeled, his feet shifting as I held him in place.

Marth stepped up next to me, and I surveyed him. His eyes were already turning cloudy as he focused on the guard.

“He watched through the cage as Prisca was tortured,” Marth said. “She refused to break, and that’s when they killed Cavis.”

I looked at Marth. His eyes were wet. He’d just witnessed Cavis’s death. And I’d made him see that.