“You better make sure this works.” Daharak’s voice came over the stone. “If my people die because you can’t wield your power…”
“They won’t.”
My stomach twisted. This would require perfect timing. If I couldn’t freeze time for long enough, all the people currently standing on the deck of one of our ships were dead.
“Good, because I ensured your friend Marth is on that ship.”
My blood froze. “You—”
“Just making sure you have enough motivation to hold time in place.”
“Do you want war between us, Daharak?”
“I’m merely playing the game you began, Your Majesty.”
Grinding my teeth, I gently placed the stone down, suppressing the urge to throw it.
“You can do this,” Lorian said. “You’ve done it before.”
“They won’t have a ward in place.” If they did, our plan wouldn’t work.
“Every person on that ship volunteered. They know how important this is. Even Marth.”
“You knew about this?”
He shook his head. “No, but I know him. Now is not the time to question yourself, wildcat. That’s not the woman you are.”
I snorted. Sometimes it felt like all I did was question myself. But he was right.
“Fine. Tell them to begin.”
* * *
The plan was simple. Simple enough that I’d only requested a few minor changes when Prisca had come up with it. Thankfully, it hadn’t taken much to convince Daharak to attack the barrier this far south. It helped that this location meant we were closer for Conreth and the others to reach.
Marth’s ship broke away from our line, moving southwest and aiming at the ship Regner had positioned closest to the coast. I squinted, watching as Marth stood next to the ship’s captain, hands on his hips as the ship fired again and again.
It slowly moved into position, until it was within range of the blurred, shadowed island of Quorith.
Positioned between the ship Regner was on and the island, Marth’s attack was relentless. Again and again, they fired, giving Regner’s ship—the ship positioned the farthest west—no chance to escape.
“What’s happening?” Prisca asked. Her lips were white, and she focused on the ships close to us, likely concerned their weapons would make it through Galon’s ward.
“Regner’s captain is screaming orders. He has broken away from Regner’s lines, assuming that will help. The ship is turning.”
Her breath hitched. “Tell me when.”
The elemental cannon—which had previously been aimed at our front lines, was now almost aimed at Marth’s ship. I could see its captain, his teeth bared as he spat orders.
One of his men stepped forward, loading a long, oval object into the cannon.
Prisca stepped up close to me, focusing on Marth’s ship.
“Almost,” I said, picking up the trowth stone. I silently cursed Rostamir. If something went wrong and Marth died here today, Prisca would never forgive herself. And I would make Daharak regret her games.
Regner’s captain said one word. The elemental cannon sparked.
I lifted the trowth stone closer to my mouth. “Now,” I roared.