Conreth’s eyes widened, then immediately narrowed. “And now you threaten your king for a woman. Some days, I barely recognize you, Lorian. Let me make myself clear. I gave you three weeks to return. Instead, you killed your way through Eprotha, choosing to ignore my messages. My generals had a strategic plan in place that involved Regner not knowing we were aware of exactly where each of his regiments was, and you blew that plan apart without a second thought.”

“And I would do it again. Without hesitation.”

A hint of Conreth’s power broke free, and a thin layer of ice coated the marble beneath our feet. “I’ve given you more than enough time, Lorian. You knew this was coming. The hybrid heir will go to the pirate queen, and you will go in search of the third amulet. If the gods are generous, you’ll find each other after the war.”

Yes, I’d known this was coming. Yet I’d still hoped that this time Conreth might surprise me.

“Where did it all go wrong, Conreth? Once, we were brothers.”

“We are brothers. And I need you to help me save our people. Together.”

And now, he was attempting to manipulate me. Usually, fury would be burning in my gut at his blatant tactics. Now, I just felt empty.

“I’m leaving,” I said.

He frowned. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Allow me to make myself excruciatingly clear. I choose Prisca. I will always choose her.”

Conreth’s eyes had lightened until they were almost white. “You’re truly doing this? For a woman?”

“Prisca isn’t just a woman.”

“She has ruined you.”

I just laughed. No longer did I seek his approval. Now, the only person I could ever imagine caring about pleasing was Prisca. As long as I could look her in the eye, and know she was proud of me, I would forever be content.

“Prisca is my mate.”

It wasn’t often that anyone could shock my brother. His mouth dropped open, and he immediately snapped it closed.

Silence stretched between us. Finally, his expression turned to stone.

“Irrelevant,” he said. “I walked away from my mate for the good of this kingdom. I know it can be done.”

Pity burned in my gut. He could tell himself he’d made the right choice, but we both knew regret would eat at him one day. “Our experiences are not the same.”

“And why is that?”

I crossed my arms, staring him down. “You met your mate and instantly recognized her. The Knowing happened for you, allowing you to flee before you knew her as a person.”

His jaw had tightened at the word “flee,” but he gestured for me to continue.

“I had been away from the fae lands for some time when I met Prisca. I had been in my human form most of the time and was left with only a hint of my power. Perhaps that is why I had no sudden knowing the moment I saw her face. Perhaps it was a different reason entirely. But I fell in love with her over weeks and months. Little by little, against my own will, I found myself desperate to hear the sound of her voice. To see her eyes light up when she looked at me. I wanted to make her happy. And when I understood she was my mate…” I shrugged. “It merely complicated things for me because I never wanted her to think that the mating was why I loved her. Even if the fates hadn’t tied us together, I would have chosen her every day for the rest of my life.”

Something flickered in Conreth’s eyes. I didn’t fool myself into believing it was understanding. But he was silent for a long moment. Finally, he pinched the bridge of his nose. “If I could change the past, I would make sure you never met her.”

I bared my teeth, and the monster inside me evaluated him as a different kind of threat. After everything I’d just told him, he would still take her from me. All so I would be more useful to him. “I would put you down before that happened, brother.”

Someone knocked on the door.

“Go away,” Conreth ordered.

The door opened anyway. Emara stood next to Prisca, who looked exceedingly uncomfortable. Her eyes were red, face swollen, but she smiled at me.

Just a smile, and I wanted to drag her out of this room—out of this castle—and tie her to my bed. She was the most courageous, loyal, beautiful woman I’d ever known, and my brother would take her away from me if he could. A spark of rage began to burn in my gut.

Emara ignored Conreth’s frown, giving him a placid smile in return.