My gaze jumped to Lorian’s. He was watching me, with that stubborn, resolute expression I knew so well.

“Sybella would like to talk to you,” he said.

My throat was so tight I couldn’t speak. Slowly, I got to my feet. I could feel his gaze lingering on me as I crossed the arena to Sybella and Piperia. Lorian had warned me I was going to have to face what had happened. And clearly, he was deciding it would happen now.I sent him a wrathful look. He tilted his head, his eyes cool, filled with challenge.

“There’s a small seating area behind the stairs,” Sybella said softly. “Will you come sit with me?”

I nodded, following her behind the stone staircase. The area was tiny, but several armchairs sat surrounding a crystal table.

We both sat, and my heart stuttered as our eyes met once more.

Piperia let out one of her baby sounds, and Sybella bounced her softly in her arms.

I opened my mouth, but everything I wanted to say got stuck in my throat. There was nothing I could say except…

“I’m sorry.”

Sybella gave me a faint smile. She was the ghost of the woman who’d jokingly assured me that Piperia would grow into her ears.

“Cavis was always obsessed with helping people, did you know that?”

I nodded, and she sat back in her chair. “He told me once that it probably came from watching his village burn as a child. From knowing all of the most innocent people had been slaughtered.”

My nails were digging into the arms of the chair. “Lorian mentioned Cavis had a soft spot for women and children.”

Sybella nodded, and her eyes filled with tears. “It was one of the things that made me fall in love with him. He was so gentle. Even with everything he’d seen and done with Lorian and the others, he refused to allow it to make him hard.”


“He once said you reminded him of what they were fighting for. Our people have a tendency to become jaded. But you reminded him that more than just the fae were at risk. We needed to care about the hybrids and humans too. We owed them that much.”

Her grief was soaking into every word. She stared through me, her eyes blank, as if she was lost in the past.

I dropped my gaze to Piperia, who had fallen asleep. “I’m sorry,” I said again. “I should have—”

“No.” Her voice sharpened. “I don’t blame you, Prisca. Cavis wouldn’t either. The blame lies entirely with Regner. It would be easier if I could blame you. If there were someone close to me whom I could rage against. Perhaps that would help. But you’re not that person.”

I couldn’t speak. The tears I couldn’t shed were drowning me, and I was gasping for breath.

But there was something I had to say. A promise I had to keep.

“Cavis asked me to tell you something.” My voice trembled, but I would get this out. Cavis deserved nothing less. “He wanted you to know it was always you for him. Ever since the moment he saw you. He said you’d know that, but he wanted to remind you. And he said…he said every second of what he went through in that cell was worth it for the time he got to have with you.”

Sybella’s eyes flooded, and she let out a tiny, choked sound that cracked my heart.

“Thank you.” She got to her feet. And then she was placing Piperia in my arms. The baby was so warm, and she turned her face into me, as if she trusted me.

“Hold Cavis’s daughter, Prisca. And make her a promise. Promise her you’ll avenge her father.”

Walking away, Sybella left me with Piperia. She weighed more than I’d thought she would, the feel of her solid in my arms. Her long lashes lay on her cheek, her tiny features so small and perfect…

Cavis had teased me about holding Piperia. And I’d been too terrified of how small and fragile she was.

Now I was finally holding her, and her father wasn’t here to look on with a smile. I could hear him gently teasing me, could see his eyes filled with love as he gazed down at his daughter.

I pressed a kiss to her forehead, and tears began to roll down my cheeks in a never-ending stream.

All the grief I’d been holding back, all the hurt and sorrow I’d shoved into that box inside me…