It tucked those wings tight, slicing through leaves and twigs as it plunged, claws extended.

Hunching my left shoulder, I swung my quiver toward me, fumbling for an arrow…

The beast barreled toward me. My vision dimmed at the edges, until it was all I could see.




I drove the arrow toward it with all my strength. The iron sank into its red eye with a wet pop.

The creature’s scream was something out of a nightmare. Taloned feet scrabbled on the tree branch as its wings tangled in smaller branches and leaves. It slashed out, and all I could do was cover my head with my arms, huddling against the tree. Claws raked at my arm, and I screamed as pain erupted, driving up toward my shoulder. I peered beneath my arm. Long, bone-white teeth snapped, inches from my throat. I clung to the branch above my head. I was going to die. I was—

One wing tangled briefly in the branches surrounding us, and the creature snarled, shaking it free. It leaned back.


Pulling my leg back, I slammed it into its face. It shrieked, a high, bone-chilling sound. I kicked again and again, desperate sobs escaping my throat.

The creature fell, steadied itself, flew higher. I braced for its return.

But it wove through the air, its eye ruined, likely impacting its balance. Retreating. It was retreating. I shuddered, unwilling to move, until finally, it was a tiny speck in the sky.

Everything hurt. My hands were scraped and bleeding from clinging to the tree. Blood dripped from my arm. But I wasn’t dangling high above the forest, about to be dropped.


I peered through what remained of the leaves and branches on this side of my tree after the creature had stripped so many of them bare. Demos was fighting the winged beast that had aimed at him. A dry sob escaped my chest. He was still alive. Still moving faster than should have been possible.

The creaturedove again and again with alarming speed, massive wings smashing branches as it hurtled toward him. Each time, Demos rolled away, just as the monster’s talons rent the soil where he’d stood.

Snarling, the creature snapped at Demos. He dodged its razor teeth, slashing out with his sword. A bloody gash opened near its neck, but that just seemed to enrage it further.

Demos matched the monster in ferocity, cunning, speed. A claw swipe here, a sword slash there—for a long moment, all I could do was hold my breath and watch, helplessness warring with fascination.

He’d been born for this, I realized. The gods had created Demos for just this reason—to wage war. To kill. To protect.

But he was still just a man. Swinging my bow over my shoulder, I aimed.

In a burst of fury, the creature pounced, wings spread wide. Demos sidestepped, muscles bunching as he swung his sword in a wide arc.

His blade cleaved through membrane and feather and bone. With an unearthly howl, the creature crashed to the ground, one feathered wing gone. It thrashed in agony, kicking up plumes of dirt.

I lowered my bow. Demos’s expression was cold as he approached the beast. His sword reflected the last of the light as he swung it straight through the creature’s neck.

Several of the creatures began to flee. It appeared the one Demos had felled was one of its leaders.

But one of the creatures turned, teeth flashing in a snarl. And it aimed for the boy.

The boy who’d just tripped on a tree root and dropped his sword

I was already scrambling down my tree, jumping the last few footspans.

Demos sprinted, aiming for him.

The boy fell onto his ass, shuffling backward. Demos wasn’t going to make it.