“They would go to Duskmire.”

Eadric angled his head. “Why?” The word was flat, suspicious.

“We know it’s one of Regner’s iron mines. If I were ever taken, Regner’s attention would be on me. Lorian promised me he would go. Take advantage of the distraction and wipe out one of Regner’s main sources of fae iron.”

I’d expected Eadric to walk to the cell door. To tell one of his men to look into it.

Instead, he laughed.

My blood froze in my veins.

“Do you know what makes me particularly helpful in these situations?” Eadric hissed. He stepped closer, ignoring Cavis and Soltor.

Every moment he was speaking was a moment we weren’t being tortured. Perhaps I could keep him engaged for just a little longer. Every second counted.

“I’m a truth-seeker,” he said.

I felt the remaining blood drain from my face, and the cell seemed to dance around me. Eadric leaned down and caught my chin, careful not to get close enough for me to strike out with my forehead. He’d learned that lesson.

“I don’t like it when my time is wasted. So that little lie is going to cost you.”

The dim light flashed off his blade as he brought it toward my face. “An eye, I think,” he said. “Perhaps a fae healer would be able to help you regrow it if one got to you in time. But I don’t think that’s in your future, do you?”

This was it. This was the moment I would break. I could feel it inching toward me, just as Eadric grinned, bringing his knife closer. I kicked out, but he’d pinned me against the wall, his body heavy against mine. I was bleeding and weak, chained, and completely, utterly helpless.

“Stop,” Eadric said, not taking his eyes off me. Behind him, Cavis had stepped toward us. Blood poured from his nose.

Cavis paused. And then he moved once more.

Eadric glanced over his shoulder at Soltor, who backed against the stone wall and opened up a long gash along Cavis’s throat. But it was shallow. This was taking a toll on him as well.

Cavis took another step, and it was my turn to choke out a plea.

“Cavis, stop. Please!”

His eyes found mine, sharp and clear and resolved. My entire body seized, a scream catching in my throat as my instincts roared at me.

He gave me a surprisingly sweet smile. My lungs locked up.

“No. No, no, no, no, no, no!”

Eadric let out a displeased growl and spun. I slid along the wall, as far from him as possible.

He ignored me, leveling Cavis with a sneer. “Stop. Moving.”

Blood slid from Cavis’s eyes now. From his ears.

“Cavis, stop,” I said. “Please. For me.”

Nothing. I tried again. “For Sybella. For Piperia, Cavis. For your daughter!”

At that, his eyes met mine. And softened. “Tell them I love them, Prisca.”

I stumbled toward him, but it was too late. He was lunging, swinging his mangled hands at Eadric.

Fear flickered over Eadric’s face. And despite my terror, I reveled in it.

“Soltor,” Eadric hissed.