“Either help, or shut your mouth. I need to think.”
He shut his mouth.
The way he was bleeding… If I moved him, I could kill him. But I had to get him to Tibris.
Prisca wasn’t losing her brother here.
And I wasn’t losing my…whatever he was.
Demos didn’t get to make me think about him night and day and then die in front of me.
He was too heavy to drag. I couldn’t carry him in my arms, but…
“I need you to help me get you up.”
If I could get him closer to camp, I could scream for Tibris.
“Just try, Demos. Please.”
Our eyes met, and the faint smile he gave me almost tore my heart in two. “Whatever you want.”
He thought it would make him bleed out faster. And if I didn’t move quickly enough, it would. And yet he cupped my face, his thumb brushing over my bottom lip.
Tears blurred my eyes. I needed Prisca. In that moment, I would have given anything for her power. Anything for her to be here to stop time long enough for Tibris to get here.
“You said your power makes you heal faster,” I choked out.
“It can’t achieve miracles, Sin.”
“We’ll see about that.”
He made it to his knees. At some point, he was going to pass out. But if I could maneuver him into the right position, I could carry him. Not for long, but I could do it.
When he was on his feet, he buried his face in my neck and sniffed. “You smell like home.”
Swallowing around the lump in my throat, I helped him sling an arm around my neck. With most of his weight slumped against me, I was as unsteady as a drunk. But I’d paid close attention to the route we’d taken here. He was on his feet. We were getting to Tibris. I would entertain no other option.
Demos’s head lolled against me, his blood warm against my bare stomach. The metallic scent of his blood put me on edge, until I wanted to scream.
He didn’t speak. I don’t think he had it in him. All his energy was consumed by helping me steer him. By putting one foot in front of the other. Tiny steps, but steps all the same.
Halfway there, he let out a breath. “I’m sorry.”
He went limp. But I’d prepared for this. Leaning against the closest tree, I let it take his weight. Then I crouched, pressing my leg between his legs to steady him. Grabbing his right hand with my left, I draped his arm over my shoulder. He was so much taller than me, but I squatted anyway, attempting to distribute his weight as evenly as I could over my shoulders.
I stumbled, cursed. Recovered. Hooking my arm around his knee, I straightened. Immediately, my legs wobbled beneath his immense weight. But I gritted my teeth. Ignoring the spasm in my back, I took one step, then another. My shoulders screamed in protest, my breath already coming in labored gasps. Demos let out a groan.
“I know. I’m sorry.”
He was alive. If he was making those pained noises, he was still alive. My breath exploded from my lungs in a sob, and he let out another sound, tensing slightly.
He was worried about me. I had to keep my sounds to myself or he would stay conscious, when passing out again would be the best thing for him.
The forest seemed to close in on me as I staggered on. Gnarled roots threatened to trip me with every step. The sun had slipped behind the trees, and if I weren’t careful, I’d fall, break an ankle, and Demos would die.