Page 68 of Needing Her

“The twins,” I muttered as I started back to the cabin. “I’ll back you up that you wore one of their jackets as long as you don’t stop me from going ape shit on them.”


But when we made it to the cabin, I wasn’t the one Sam had to worry about.

Craig and Dad were trying to moderate a yelling match that was getting closer and closer to a brawl between Dakota, Dylan, and Connor.

* * *


Parking behind the multiple cars in the driveway, I rushed out of my car and toward the cabin, cursing the slick walkway as I went. Once I reached the door, I walked in without knocking and turned toward the loud voices in the living room.

“Connor,” Dakota called out when he saw me, his voice deceptively happy and at complete odds with the warning in his eyes.

“Where is she?” I asked as I looked between the men gathered in the room, then turned toward the kitchen when feminine voices drifted from that way.

Dakota rushed to get in front of me, stopping me from moving any farther. “We told you—”

“I said where the fuck is she?”

“Hold on now,” Mr. Price said as he stood from one of the couches. “What the hell is going on?”

“Connor,” Dylan muttered, his tone pure caution as he gave a single shake of his head.

I ignored them all and tried stepping around Dakota, then called out for Maci when he still wouldn’t let me pass.

“We told you to stay away,” he snapped as he pushed me back a step.

“And I never should’ve listened to you,” I shot back as I shoved him away. “Maci.”

“The fuck?” Craig whispered as he slowly came over to stand behind Dakota.

But that was the same moment the women began pouring into the living room, and my lungs ached as I searched for vibrant red hair and gray eyes that were all mischief and passion.

“She isn’t here,” Amber said, smiling excitedly as if her words hadn’t been a blow to my chest. “She left, but Sam followed her.”

“Left for where?” I asked eagerly, already mentally out of the cabin and on my way to wherever Maci was.

“It doesn’t matter because we told you to stay away from her,” Dakota seethed, voice low and filled with that earlier warning as he took another step toward me, but Craig held him back.

“Everyone just shut the hell up,” Mr. Price said as he walked into the triangle Dakota, Dylan, and I were now making. “This has been the most dramatic Christmas vacation I think we’ve ever had, but someone better explain what’s going on, and I mean right the fuck now.”

Dylan opened his mouth, but I spoke over him. “I’m in love with your daughter.”

“Jesus Christ, not again,” Craig mumbled.

“You can’t—”

“No,” I said over Dylan, stopping him as I continued. “Whatever that asshole told you last night was a lie—Maci doesn’t want to be with him. I’ve seen the way he treats her. All he does is order her around and belittle her.”

“Sounds better than what you would do to her,” Dakota said, carelessly throwing all my fears at me like a live grenade.

But this time, I was prepared for it. This time, I’d spent days thinking of nothing else, and I’d never been so sure that my fears were only that.


“I would never hurt Maci,” I ground out before facing his dad again. “I’ve been seeing your daughter for the past month. I know that isn’t long, but she’s it for me.”