Page 64 of Needing Her

Amber did a double take from where she’d been standing at the entrance of the bathroom. “I’m sorry, what did you just say?”

I took the hoop out of my nose and set it on the counter as I continued my assessment. A short, pained laugh burst from my chest as I admitted, “Both he and Connor were right—I need to grow up. At my hair appointment in two weeks, I’ll start going back to blonde.”

“No, Maci...don’t. Don’t change you because of something that douche said.”

“The only two guys I’ve ever been with have both told me to grow up within a short time,” I reminded her as I met her stare in the mirror. “There has to be truth to that. And if this is part of the growing up process, then it’s what I’m going to do. I know it won’t bring Connor back because I never meant anything to him. But I can mean something to someone.” I struggled to swallow past the knot of emotion choking me, my head shaking as I shrugged. “It’s just what I need to do.”

Once I’d walked out of the bathroom and crawled into bed, Amber slid behind me and wrapped an arm around me, holding me tight.

“They’re assholes if they can’t see how amazing you are,” she whispered. “You don’t need to change. You’re going to make some guy ridiculously happy just the way you are.”

But I’d already made up my mind. I knew what had to be done. Now, if only physical makeovers could heal broken hearts.

* * *


My phone rang somewhere beside me, and I slapped my hand around on the bed until I found it. I didn’t know the number—not that that meant much—but I didn’t want to deal with work right then. Not when I was supposed to be on vacation. Not when I’d just spent hours listening to my parents, sister, and her husband berate me for what I’d done to Maci two nights ago. Not when I was already drowning in my own heartache and self-loathing.

Tapping on the screen, I brought the phone to my ear and answered, “This is Detective Green.”

“I had high hopes for you. What the hell did you do to her?”

I sat up and glanced at the screen before bringing it to my ear again. “Excuse me?”

“Maci’s been walking around this cabin like she belongs on The Walking Dead, and I know it’s because of you. What’d you do to my best friend?”


A sigh bled from me as I pinched the bridge of my nose and tried forcing away the image of Maci crying. “Look, Amber, there’s a lot about Maci and me that you don’t know.”

She snorted as if the idea was amusing. “I know you’re a dick and you broke her heart,” she began as if preparing to go down a list. “I know she’s taking out her piercings and saying she’s going back to blonde. I know Bryce is in Mammoth and telling Maci’s dad that he’s going to marry her. And after the shit you pulled, I’m pretty sure she’s considering it.”

I was off the bed and running through my apartment as soon as the words Bryce is in Mammoth registered. “Why the fuck is Bryce there?” I demanded as I looked for my wallet and keys.

“Surprised you never noticed his family has a cabin here too.”

My mouth opened to ask why I would’ve noticed that, considering I’d been blinded to Maci up until recently, before realizing some part of me had...

Because Maci had still been there, behind that uncrossable line. I’d still subconsciously looked for her, even before understanding why.

So, I’d seen her sneak away dozens of times when no one else was looking. I’d stayed awake until she made it safely back to the cabin, telling myself it was ingrained in me because of my job. But I’d never known who she was going to see. Didn’t stop me from finding a random girl to hook up with every day that followed the nights Maci snuck out.

God damnit, how long had I been in love with Maci Price without knowing?

“She can’t marry him,” I finally said, my head shaking as I stalked to my door. “He wants to change her—make her into what he thinks a wife should be. He’s never fucking cared about her.”

“You know,” Amber began, sounding at once curious and pissed off, “for a guy who said all he did was fuck her, you sound more pissed off than you have a right to be.”

“Amber, I told you, there’s a lot you don’t know. I...shit.” I smacked my hand on the frame of the door and let my head hang as I tried talking myself out of driving to Mammoth.

Maci needed to find someone else. I knew that, but my heart wasn’t letting me understand that because, at the moment, all I could focus on was the nauseating feeling spreading through my body at the thought of her with Bryce...with anyone.

She was mine.

Fuck her brothers.

“I’m on my way,” I muttered as I slipped out of my apartment.