“I didn’t go to the mall, asshole,” I said as I scooted toward the desk again.
“Then where were you?”
Turning to look at him, I flung out the hand still holding the mouse. “Why are you suddenly so interested in knowing my life?”
“Because we all agree you’re being sketchy lately, and I’m about to pound some dude’s face in for touching my sister. Who is he, Mini?”
Keeping my expression this side of irritated, I asked, “Who is who?”
“The guy I’m about to kill. Who are you sleeping around with?”
“You have a boyfriend, Maci?” Dakota asked as he rounded the corner into my office. “Oh, fuck this. Who is he?”
I groaned into my hands and stared down at my desk. “I don’t have a boyfriend. Dylan is being paranoid because I didn’t come in yesterday.”
“Yeah, where were you?” Dakota asked, but before I could answer, he leaned over me to page the back office from my desk phone. “Maci has a boyfriend.”
For fuck’s sake.
Not five seconds later, my oldest brothers, Craig and Sam, were running down the hall.
“Who is he?” Craig, the oldest, asked.
“No one, I don’t have a—”
“Where’s her phone?”
I looked over at Sam’s question to see him rummaging through my purse, so I pulled my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him.
I wasn’t worried about them finding anything—I’d become a master at deleting any incriminating evidence since my brothers always threatened to go through my phone. I also had a password that would take them forever to figure out.
But Sam didn’t even attempt to get into my phone. He just looked at it for a moment before tossing it back to me. “She doesn’t have a boyfriend, dumbasses. She wouldn’t give up her phone like that if she did.”
Ha. Win.
“Then ask her where she was yesterday,” Dylan urged, inciting suspicious looks from Sam and Craig.
Craig was the one to finally break. “Where were you?”
“Yeah,” Dylan interjected, “but she wasn’t at the mall and won’t say where she was.”
Sam snatched the phone back out of my hand, and Craig caged me in like Dylan had earlier. “Who are you hiding from us?”
“What’s your password?” Sam asked over him.
“Screw all of you,” I bit out. “I’m not giving you my password. I told you what I was doing yesterday, and I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“You know we’re going to find out, Maci. Might as well tell us now so we can get this over with.”
“There’s nothing to tell, Craig!”
“We either give your boyfriend the message now, or he lives in fear of when we find him,” Craig said as if it were as simple as that. “Your choice.”
“Jesus Christ, there’s no boyfriend. No message needs to be delivered,” I said firmly, biting out the words to make sure they heard them. Not that they’d believe me.