“It’s done, Mason. I’m done,” I whispered. I could feel my heart breaking as I uttered the words officially ending everything.
“Anna! No! Wait…”
I hung up the call.
It was completely dark out and felt like there was even more of a chill in the air than before I’d called Mason. After wiping my eyes with the backs of my hands, I wrapped my arms around myself as a broken-hearted sob escaped my lips.
How had I been so wrong about everything?
I felt so embarrassed…so foolish. Trying to start something with someone long distance was a bad idea. I guess you really couldn’t get to know a person just talking to them over the phone.
The phone rang in my hand. I looked down and saw that it was Mason. I sent the call to voicemail. A few minutes later, it rang again. Mason. I sent the second call to voicemail and turned my phone off.
There were about two hours left in the Spring Art Show and then I could leave and go home. I pulled a compact out of my wristlet and attempted to wipe my eyes while touching up my makeup before going back inside.
I heard a rustle in the bushes and saw a shadowy figure walk towards me. The smell of cigarette smoke wafted into my nostrils. I snapped the compact closed and let out a groan. “Oliver. Of course you’re here.”
The shadowy figure came into the light and blew out a cloud of smoke. “Dear Anna. I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation.”
“You mean you were eavesdropping, you creep,” I snapped.
Oliver chuckled. “It doesn’t really matter. It sounds like your mystery man has moved on.”
“Yeah, I seem to have a real knack for finding guys who’d rather be with someone else. At least this time I didn’t find him naked underneath her.” I shoved my phone and makeup compact back into my wristlet.
“When are you going to let that go, my darling Anna? Water under the bridge.” Oliver let out one last billow of smoke before flicking his cigarette butt into the bushes.
“Never,” I hissed. “And don’t call me ‘darling.’”
I started to walk back inside when Oliver shouted after me. “My offer still stands, Anna. Clearly he cannot meet your needs.” I don’t know why, but I stopped in my tracks. Oliver seemed to think it was his window of opportunity, and before I knew it, he was standing right behind me. “You know I can. Let me take care of you tonight, Anna.” Oliver was leaning into me and whispering as he brushed his fingers down my bare arm making me shiver. Or shudder in disgust. One of the two.
It was like my brain suddenly caught up to what was going on and warning bells screamed in my head. “Go away, Oliver!” I said forcefully before pushing his hand off my arm and marching back inside the building.
As soon as I was inside, I saw the waiter I’d been running into all night. “Why hello again,” he said with a smile. “Champagne?”
“Thank you.” I grabbed a fluted glass off the tray and drank it down in one gulp before grabbing another. “You know, tonight was supposed to be amazing. Instead, it’s been an absolute fucking shitshow.” I took a big drink out of the second glass.
The waiter chuckled. “From what little I’ve seen, you definitely seem to be having more excitement going on than anyone else here.”
“What can I say? I told you, I’m a woman of many talents.” I downed the rest of the second glass and put it back on the tray before grabbing a third. “Don’t go too far, please. There are two hours left in this godforsaken night and I intend to spend them drunk off my ass on free champagne.”
For the first time that night, the smile fell off the waiter’s face. “You sure that’s a good idea?”
I raised my glass like I was giving a toast. “Best idea I’ve had in a while.” I turned and walked off into the crowd. It was amazing how in a room full of people I felt totally empty and alone.
FINALLY, THE SPRING ART Show ended. I was drunk and ready to get the hell out of there. Even though it was a short walk back to my apartment, I knew I shouldn’t do it alone, late at night, after having way too much to drink. I pulled out my phone to see what the wait time for an Uber would be.
I walked outside to the front steps of the art building and turned my phone back on. As it powered up, I saw that there were more messages and texts from Mason. I felt my heart clench in my chest at the sight of his name.
Screw him and the stupid girl he was out with.
I was fumbling with my phone, trying to get the damn Uber app to open, when I felt someone come up behind me and place their hands on my upper arms. I knew who it was as soon as his hands touched my bare skin. “Did I tell you how absolutely breathtaking you are in that dress tonight?” He rubbed his hands up and down my arms.
I closed my eyes. “I hate this dress,” I managed to mumble.
“Well then, let’s go back to my place and take it off you,” Oliver whispered into my ear as he started to nuzzle my neck. The nuzzles turned into kisses as his hands continued to rub my arms. I couldn’t help myself when I let out a soft moan.
“I hate you too,” I whimpered as I kept my eyes squeezed shut.