When we finally made it to the front door, paid our cover charge, and went in, we found ourselves engulfed in a sea of people. “What do you think the chances of finding a table are?” Sarah shouted over the thumping music.
“We’re here too late for that,” Bree shouted back as she pointed towards the bar. “I’m going to grab a drink.”
Bree turned and started making her way through the crowd. Sarah grabbed my hand. “Follow her!” she shouted and I nodded.
After a few drinks and several dances, the three of us were standing against the wall taking a break when I pulled my phone out of my wristlet. It was a cute silver, glittery one—the perfect size to hold my phone, ID, debit card, and a little bit of cash. It had been a gift from Bree for my birthday since I was always complaining about not having pockets when we went out.
I was pleasantly surprised to see a message from Mason. “Having a good time and staying out of trouble?”
I couldn’t help but smile. It was sweet to hear from him. “We’re at a dance club called Cosmos. Been shakin’ my groove thing out on the dance floor.”
“The image I have in my mind of you dancing is so incredibly hot.” I could feel myself start to blush as I read Mason’s response. Before I could think of anything to say back, a second message came through. “Tell me what you’re wearing.”
“Seriously?” I wrote back.
“Yes. I need to have a clear picture of what I’m missing out on not being with you tonight.” I felt my blush deepen. I glanced up and saw Bree and Sarah motioning from a few yards away that they were going to the restroom. I gave them a thumbs-up and pointed to where I was standing, signaling that I’d wait for them there.
“All right…black dress and heels,” I wrote back.
“You need to take a creative writing class. I need more description.”
“Good grief. This feels weird.” I was so completely out of my comfort zone, I wasn’t even sure what to say. More and more, the conversations between Mason and I felt like they were pushing past the “friend-zone” and into something else.
“Just go with it. Or you could send a picture.” Mason included a winking eye emoji which, I hoped, meant he was just kidding about the picture.
I let out a big sigh and started typing. I could do this…I wanted to do this, I just felt awkward as hell. “OK. Here you go. Form-fitting, black, knit, sleeveless dress with a really deep V in the front. Dress stops at mid-thigh. Black strappy heels and my toenails are painted black. Big gold earrings. Is that enough detail for you?”
It felt like a really long pause until Mason’s response came through. “Jesus, Anna. I bet you look fucking amazing.”
“Meh,” was all I could think to write back.
“Is your hair long or short?”
“Past my shoulders but not super long.” It still felt strange to be talking about what I looked like with Mason.
“Light or dark?” Mason quickly asked back.
I chewed my bottom lip for a moment before replying. “This is getting dangerously close to violating one of our rules, Mason.”
“Lol. Just give me this one.”
“Fine. Dark. Black if you want to be specific.”
“Damn, Anna. I’m about to lose it right here, right now, picturing you.” I could feel my heart start to race reading Mason’s message. “I’m buying you a drink.”
“Wait, what? Why? And how are you going to do that? There is an entire country between us!” I couldn’t help but laugh at what Mason was proposing.
“Because you’re an incredibly beautiful woman I’m attracted to and I would like to buy you a drink.”
“You texting with Mason or Liam?” Sarah asked as she and Bree came over to lean against the wall with me.
I looked up at both of them and smiled. “Mason.”
The phone buzzed in my hand and I looked down at the message from Mason. “Give me a minute.”
Bree shook her head. “You’re going to have to make a choice at some point.”
“I know, but I really don’t want to talk about it right now,” I quickly replied as my phone buzzed with an incoming message.