Page 10 of Right Number

“You get down with your bad self, but don’t you dare watch the latest episode of Sass Queens without me!” I laughed as I started down the hallway to the shower.

Bree laughed as she flopped down on the sofa. “Never! Now get your hot ass to class!” she shouted after me.

BY THE TIME I was done with my classes that afternoon, I was feeling much better. I’d started to pack up my Art History book when I felt someone walk up behind me.

“Hi, Anna.”

I immediately recognized the deep, kind voice and turned around with a smile. “Hey, Liam. How are you doing today?” Look at me being all friendly.

“Good. How’s your portfolio coming for the Spring Art Show?” Liam gave me a smile as he shoved his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. When Liam smiled, it took over his whole face and always made me feel at ease. I think it had to do with his bright blue eyes, which always seemed to have a soft warmth to them. As long as I’d known him, Liam had rocked the hipster look with dark-framed glasses and a mop of curly brown hair, which was usually covered with a beanie. That day was no exception. He was wearing his usual jeans, black Converse sneakers, and worn black-leather motorcycle jacket. He also had on a blue plaid flannel shirt, which only accentuated the blue in his eyes, making them look even more brilliant.

“It’s coming along. I have a few more ideas I want to capture before I submit.” Every spring, the college art department put on a huge art show. Students submitted a portfolio which was judged by a committee, and the students with the top portfolios were extended an invitation to enter an exhibit in the Spring Art Show. It was a really big deal and lots of employers and art collectors came to the show each year scouting for talent. The show was open to those in their last two years of school, so it was the first year I was eligible to enter. I really, really wanted to be a part of the show and had been working on my portfolio for months. I’d wanted to be a part of it since I’d learned about it my first year on campus.

“Nice. I assume you’re going to enter your photography?” Liam shifted his weight and moved his backpack from one shoulder to the other.

“You assume correctly.” I pulled my tan wool coat off the back of my chair and started to put it on. “How about you? How’s your portfolio coming?”

“Oh, all right. I’m working on a few new paintings at the moment as I decide what I’m going to enter. I feel like I need some new inspiration.” Liam glanced around the classroom and, for the first time, I noticed he appeared to be nervous. I wondered what that was all about. Most of the other students had left the classroom, leaving us and a few stragglers who were wrapped up in their own conversations.

I smiled at Liam as I zipped my backpack up and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “I’m glad to hear you’re submitting your paintings. I’ve seen a few of them in class and they’re really stunning.” It was true; in addition to being a genuinely nice person, Liam was an incredibly talented artist. He was one of those rare individuals who was able to create beauty out of pretty much any medium set in front of him; however, his paintings were so expressive they were truly captivating.

“Thank you,” Liam said as he shifted from side to side. “So, Anna, I wanted to ask you…do you…would you want to get coffee sometime after class?”

I was about to say no, but stopped myself. Not only did Liam have an incredibly hopeful look on his face, but Bree’s words from earlier about “getting back out there” flashed through my head. Going out to coffee with Liam sounded like a safe way to dip my toes back into the dating pool. All right. It had been decided. I was in. “That sounds great, Liam. When were you thinking?”

Liam’s face burst into a huge grin and I instantly felt glad I’d said yes. “Good! Great! How about after class on Friday? Does that work for you, Anna?”

Liam and I had Art History together again on Friday, and it was my last class of the day. Usually on Fridays after class, Bree, Sarah, and I would start our Friday night movie marathon, but I had a feeling they’d understand. “That sounds perfect,” I told Liam as we walked out of the classroom together. “I’ll see you then.”

Liam gave me a wave and a smile as he turned to walk away. I pulled my gray beanie out of a coat pocket and put it on as I walked in the opposite direction of Liam. I’d made it down the first flight of stairs, when I decided I should text Bree and Sarah to let them know I was going to the library. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I pulled my phone out of my backpack. I was surprised to see several new text messages. I’d been in class all afternoon and everyone who usually texted me already knew that and knew I kept my phone tucked away during that time. I quickly swiped open the messages.

“Anna, I’m so sorry. I got to work and immediately got tied up. I wasn’t able to respond.”

“For what it is worth, my answer is no. It wouldn’t matter.”

“Hello? Anna? Are you there?” That message was followed by a meme of a little kitten laying on its back looking up at the camera with a caption that said, “Hello????? Where are you?”

“Please don’t tell me this is how it ends.” The last message had been sent about half an hour earlier.

They were all from Mason. I scrolled through the messages and read them all again. They’d been sent at different times throughout the afternoon. Damn. Maybe I’d reacted too quickly that morning when he didn’t respond.

I leaned against the wall in the hallway as I chewed on my lower lip and stared at my phone, trying to figure out what to do next.

Why did it matter so much?

I mean, Mason was just some random guy who’d texted me by accident because he thought I was someone else. Thing was, I liked talking to him. He made me laugh, and seemed to appreciate my offbeat sense of humor. I had to admit, not having to physically meet each other and relying solely on text messages took a great deal of the pressure off of getting to know him. It was sad but true. We lived in a time where appearance mattered. More than it really should. That drive to look “perfect” was so strong for some people; it was more important than anything else.

I’d learned my lesson the hard way.

“What’s got you so deep in thought, love?” I was pulled back to attention by a voice I knew all too well. It sent a shiver down my spine. Not the good kind of shiver. More like a “trying to hold down vomit” kind of shiver.

“What do you want, Oliver?” I hissed as I looked up from my phone. He was standing way too close, causing me to instinctively take a step back. Oliver raised one of his perfectly arched eyebrows as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned causally up against the wall with a smirk.

“My dear Anna, I just wanted to know what’s got you so distracted. You only chew your lip like that when you’re nervous or deep in thought.”

“Don’t act like we’re friends,” I snapped back.

“But my dear Anna…we’ve been so much more than friends.” Oliver dropped his voice and ran the tip of his tongue over his bottom lip as he spoke. He was enjoying everything way too much, which only added to his creep factor…not that he really needed much help in that department.