Page 54 of Right Number

“Yeah. Me too,” I retorted without even thinking as the words came flying out of my mouth.

I could see Oliver visibly perk up. “What’s this I hear? Trouble in paradise? Already? Oh dear.” Oliver made a tsk-tsk sound with his tongue. “And so soon after you broke poor Liam’s heart. My, my, Anna.” Oliver stepped closer and leaned forward to whisper in my ear. “You look beautiful tonight, darling, but I can tell you’re sad. Come find me after this and I’ll make you feel so good. You’ll forget all about this pathetic mystery man.”

Oliver’s breath was hot on my cheek and neck. It felt disgusting and made my skin crawl. I put my hands on his chest and shoved him away. “You’re an awful piece of shit and I want nothing to do with you! Get away from me and stay away!” I hissed through my teeth in a low voice.

“Meow!” Oliver’s face twisted into a huge grin as he licked his bottom lip. “You know I love it when your claws are out…and scratching down my back, kitten.”

My mouth momentarily dropped open before I spun around on my heels and walked in the opposite direction of Oliver. I couldn’t believe what an asshat he was. After being stood up by Mason, I wasn’t in the mood to deal with Oliver and his shit.

Once I was sure there was adequate physical distance between Oliver and me, I started to scan the crowd for the waiter. I definitely needed more champagne.

A FEW HOURS LATER, I’d successfully managed to avoid Oliver, networked with some people, and had a seriously good buzz going from all the champagne. I’d managed to push the thoughts of Mason to the back of my mind and was trying my hardest to, at least, enjoy some of the art show.

I’d been slowly working my way through the exhibits. There were some very talented artists featured and it was really cool to see the work of fellow students. Some of them I knew personally, but most I didn’t. The college art department was one of the biggest around, thanks in large part to a substantial endowment from Oliver’s family. The department was so big I didn’t cross paths with many art students unless they were also studying photography; even then, I didn’t go out of my way to make friends in class. Making new friends was not really one of my strong suits.

As I made my way up the stairs to the second level, I realized it was the floor where the paintings were displayed. I really wanted to see Liam’s mystery painting and wondered if I could without running into him. Ever since the breakup, things had definitely been strained and awkward. We’d said “hi” in our Art History class, and exchanged smiles the few times we’d run into each other at the coffee shop, but that was all. I’d hoped it would get better with time so we could remain friends. Unfortunately, I just didn’t know if I could do awkward small talk that night on top of everything else the day had dumped on me.

When I reached the top of the stairs, a woman with pale blonde hair pulled into a sleek updo, wearing an obviously designer dress, began to stare at me. After a few uncomfortable moments as I made my way down the hall, she came over. “It is you!” she said with a large smile.

“Excuse me?” I asked. I had no idea who the lady was or who she mistakenly thought I could be.

“Honey!” the woman said excitedly to a man next to her with salt and pepper hair, wearing an impeccably tailored navy suit. “Honey, look, it’s her! The model from the beautiful painting!” Upon closer inspection, the woman was sporting a pair of diamond earrings I’m sure cost more than a year’s worth of college tuition. The diamond earrings were well complemented by the platinum tennis bracelet dangling from her wrist and a ring so large I was surprised she could lift her hand.

“Well,” the man said with a large smile. “It certainly is. It’s lovely to meet you.” The man extended his hand to me and I reached out to shake it in a cloud of confusion.

The woman put her hand on my arm, which was an oddly intimate gesture for someone who clearly had no real idea who I was and who I’d been around for less than five minutes. “You’re just as beautiful in real life as you are in the painting,” she said with a huge smile as she leaned into me.

I was so utterly perplexed. I had absolutely no idea what they were talking about. Maybe they’d had too many glasses of champagne and had me confused with someone else? I decided to just play along and hope the interaction would be over soon. “Thank you,” I said with a forced smile. “That’s very kind of you.”

The woman, who was still touching me, patted my arm. “Your painting is right around the corner. Enjoy.” She gave me a wink, like we were in on some kind of secret together. What was the deal with people winking at me? It was really weird.

I thanked the couple again before excusing myself and hurrying down the hallway away from them. When I walked around the corner and into the painting exhibit, I gasped. The focal point of the exhibit was a giant painting of…me. I was on the beach wearing a flowing white gown, fluttering in the breeze. My hair was down and gently blowing around while the waves from the ocean crashed behind me. The sky was dark and stormy, but I seemed to be basking in some unknown source of light. I looked like a beautiful goddess walking barefoot down the beach.

I looked for the card with the artist’s name, although I already knew who it was…Liam. There was a giant “Overall Best in Show” plaque next to the painting. My hand went up to my mouth as tears started to form in my eyes.

For the first time, I felt like I’d truly made a horrible mistake.

“Hey,” a voice from behind me said softly. I instantly knew who it was and turned around to face him. The moment Liam’s eyes landed on me, they were filled with concern. “Oh, Anna! You’re crying! What’s wrong?”

“It’s so beautiful, Liam,” I replied, my voice heavy with emotion.

Liam looked away from me and down to the floor. “Well, I had a beautiful inspiration.”

I felt my heart clench at his words. “This is the secret painting you’ve been working on. This is why you wouldn’t tell me what it was…it was…it was me,” my voice grew softer with each word spoken until it was barely a whisper.

Liam looked up at me. “I started sketching it the day after we went to the beach and you took your photos. This is how I saw you there.”

I turned back to the painting. “I look so beautiful,” I said in a voice that was still coming out barely above a whisper.

“Because you are, Anna.” Liam took a few steps forward until he was standing next to me. He started to reach his hand out as if to touch me but pulled away quickly. Instead, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his black dress pants and cleared his throat. “I’d planned on circumstances being a little different when I unveiled this to you. It was supposed to be a grand romantic gesture, not a creepy move by an ex.” Liam paused. “After we…after we ended, I didn’t have enough time or inspiration to put together another piece for the show. I’m sorry if I’ve been a little distant the past few weeks. I needed some time, but I was also in a really weird headspace finishing this painting of you but not being with you anymore.”

I turned my head away from the painting and fixed my gaze on Liam. It felt like I was swirling in a tornado and I had absolutely no idea what to grab on to. “Liam, I…”

“There she is!” Bree said loudly from behind me.

“We’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Sarah chimed in.

The two of them walked up to join Liam and me. “Hi, Liam!” Bree said with a big smile, oblivious to what she had just interrupted. What was it she’d interrupted? What was I about to say? What was even going on? Had I made a terrible mistake ending things with Liam? Liam who was here and saw me in a way no one else ever had?