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I giggled. Yes, giggled. I didn’t know if I’d ever giggled in my life before, but I sure as hell giggled in that moment. Part of me was incredibly flattered and part of me was just straight-up relieved. “Well, I’m glad you like it.”

“Don’t get me wrong…the dress is great, but it’s what’s inside that dress that I’m talking about. Damn, Anna! I’m not going to be able to get any work done. You’re all I’m going to be thinking about. Tomorrow definitely can’t come fast enough.”

“Mason, you’re making me blush!” I shamelessly flirted with him.

“Good. I bet you’re extra beautiful when you blush. I’m going to need to up my game in the wardrobe department if I’m going to be with you in that dress.”

I giggled again. I just couldn’t help myself. “I really can’t wait to see you tomorrow, Mason. I’ve been so excited ever since we made the plans, but now it’s only a day away. I think I’m going to burst.”

“I can’t wait to see you too, Anna.” I absolutely loved the sound of Mason saying my name in his deep, throaty voice. I knew it was going to sound even better in person than it did over the phone. “Don’t be surprised if the first thing I do is grab you and hold you in my arms. I’ve been fantasizing about that for way too long. You have no idea how much I’m longing to touch you, Anna.” I bit my bottom lip and smiled as he said my name again.

“I have a pretty good idea. I’m guessing it’s right up there with how much I want to touch you.” Mason let out a deep laugh. God, it was so sexy. It felt like every nerve in my body was vibrating with excitement and anticipation.

Mason sighed. “I hate to do this, but I’ve got to get back to work if I’m going to get this project finished tonight.”

“OK, I’ll see you tomorrow.” My face broke out in a huge grin at the thought.

“It sounds incredible to hear you say that.” I could feel Mason smiling through the phone, as my heart continued to thud wildly in my chest.

“Be sure you send me updates on your travels,” I said quickly. “Chances of me focusing on anything other than seeing you and the Spring Art Show tomorrow are pretty much zero.”

Mason chuckled. “Deal. See you tomorrow, Anna.”

“See you tomorrow, Mason.”

I hung up the phone and just stared at it, grinning like a fool, before I let out a little squeal and flopped backwards onto my bed.

Part of me couldn’t believe it was actually going to happen. Mason and I were finally going to meet and explore the connection between us.

The next day was going to be amazing. I just knew it was going to be the type of day I’d never forget.

Chapter 18

This Is Why

IT WAS FINALLY HAPPENING. The Spring Art Show and the day I’d meet Mason in person. I jumped out of bed bright and early with a feeling of barely contained excitement. I was in the kitchen pouring my second cup of coffee when Sarah and Bree came in, still wearing their pajamas.

“Wow,” a still sleepy-looking Bree mumbled as she made a beeline for the coffee pot. “You’re up early.”

“Big day today!” Sarah said enthusiastically. “That’s what got her out of bed so early!”

Bree took a big drink of coffee from the mug she’d poured before speaking again. “What are you planning on doing until he gets here?”

I leaned against the counter as I drank my coffee. “First, I thought I’d give the apartment and my bedroom a quick cleaning, then I’m going to run a few errands. When I get back, I’m going to start my hair and makeup. I want to be ready and in my dress when he gets here.” I could feel the smile on my face and hear the excitement in my voice. After talking to Mason the previous night, I too wanted our first meeting to be perfect.

“Can we help out with anything?” Sarah offered.

“That’s super nice of you, but I think I’ll be good. I tried to plan stuff to keep me busy for the day. I want the day to go quickly, and I don’t want my excitement to be overcome by nerves.” That part was also true. I was fearful if I sat idle and waiting in anticipation, I’d be an out-of-control nervous wreck by the time Mason arrived.

I was in the middle of taking a sip a coffee when I heard my phone ding from its resting place on the counter. “Mason?” Bree asked as she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

I frowned as I swiped open the message. “No, Bev.” My frown deepened as I read the message. “Who, surprisingly, is not coming to the show today.” My voice was heavy with sarcasm. I reread the message again before letting out a loud sigh and placing my phone back on the counter, facedown.

“I didn’t know you’d invited her,” Sarah said softly.

“I didn’t say anything, but I messaged her about it when I found out I was accepted. Apparently she’s in Florida now, so I thought there might actually be a chance she’d come.” I stared at the phone on the counter so I wouldn’t have to look at Bree and Sarah. I didn’t know why the message from Bev upset me so much. Deep down I knew when I invited her that she wouldn’t come—she rarely came to any of “proud parent” stuff. However, each time I invited her, there was always a tiny part of me that actually hoped that time would be different.

“Wait, what happened to the restaurant guy she followed to Arizona?” I turned to face Bree and could see the confused look on her face matched the tone of her voice.