Page 48 of Right Number

Oh my God! I had a love life with a really great guy. How cool was that? I didn’t think it was possible, but the smile on my face actually got bigger.

“Earth to Anna! Did you hear anything I just said?” Sarah waved her hand in front of my face.

“Sorry, I must’ve spaced out. What were you saying?” I tried to look like I was paying extra close attention.

Sarah just laughed. “I asked how he handled you ending things?” Before I could answer, Sarah jumped in again. “Did he cry? Oh please tell me he didn’t cry. I don’t think I could handle it if he did.” Her face scrunched up in concern.

I shook my head. “No tears. I just laid it all out. I told him I really respected him and valued him in my life, but I thought we worked better as friends than trying to pursue something romantically. I tried to be as gentle and respectful as I could. I really would like to stay friends with him.”

Sarah nodded thoughtfully. “What was his response to that?”

“He said he was disappointed, but appreciated my honesty. He did ask if it was because of someone else.”

“Interesting…what did you tell him?” Bree asked from the other end of the sofa.

“The truth. I told him that was part of it—that I’d developed feelings for someone else. I also told him I just couldn’t really see things working out romantically between us, even if someone else wasn’t in the picture.”

“Wow,” Sarah said in a slightly breathy voice. “I think he really liked you, Anna. I’m sure you broke his heart more than he let on.”

I frowned into my wineglass as I stared at the deep-red liquid. I didn’t like the idea I’d broken his heart, but I had to be realistic and admit things were just not going to happen between us the way he wanted them to. “Maybe,” I finally said. “I feel terrible about that; he really is a good person. It was just never going to work romantically between us.”

Bree set her empty wineglass on the table. “Have you talked to him since then?”

I shook my head. “No. He said he needed some space before he could try us just being friends, and I want to respect his request.”

“That sounds fair. Like I said, I think he developed some strong feelings for you, and he’s probably going to need some time.” Sarah stood up from the sofa. “Anyone else need a refill?” Both Bree and I nodded.

When Sarah came back with an open wine bottle, I picked the conversation back up. “I think you’re right, Sarah. I feel terrible I hurt him, but things just couldn’t keep going the way they were. It wasn’t right.”

“Thank you.” Bree took her freshly filled glass from Sarah. “Changing subjects, what are you doing for your hot date tomorrow?”

I cleared my throat. “Well, I got a new dress…”

“Not just any dress!” Sarah excitedly interrupted as she clapped her hands and bounced up and down on the sofa. “It’s really beautiful and Anna looks like a supermodel in it!”

I could feel my cheeks flush. The dress was unlike anything I’d ever worn before. I still wasn’t sure how Sarah managed to talk me into it when we’d gone shopping together. I tended to wear lots of black, or other neutral-colored, casual clothing. I’d never owned an actual formal-type dress before, and definitely not one like the dress in question. I nervously cleared my throat. “Well, it’s pretty far out of my comfort zone. Like way far out. However, this whole situation is outside of my comfort zone, so I’m just going for it.” I paused as both Bree and Sarah looked at me expectantly.

“Well,” Bree said after a brief moment. She gestured toward my bedroom. “Go get it!” I laughed as I stood up and Bree took a big drink from her wineglass. “I can’t believe you made me ask!” She shouted at me as I walked down the hallway.

I grabbed the dress out of the garment bag that I’d carefully hung in my closet and went back to the living room. Sarah had a huge smile on her face and Bree gasped when I held up the dress. “It’s pink,” I said stating the obvious. “I guess more like hot-fuchsia pink,” I rambled on nervously. It was so, so far out of my comfort zone, but there was also something about the way the dress made me feel the moment I put it on that I loved. Sarah had been the ultimate hype-woman as I twirled around the fitting room looking at an assortment of different dresses. Ultimately, I’d taken the leap and splurged on the pink dress.

“That fitted bodice deep V in front is going to make your boobs looks amazing,” Bree commented as she sipped her wine.

“I told her the same thing!” Sarah said excitedly. “And her legs! The skirt is full but hits her mid-thigh, so her legs look about a million miles long!”

“Is it silk?” Bree asked. I nodded as I bit my lip to keep a goofy smile from taking over my face. The lighting in the living room wasn’t great, but under the lights in the store, the fabric had a beautiful sheen to it.

Bree let out a low whistle of approval. “It’s such a huge departure from what you usually wear! I love everything about it!” She wiggled her eyebrows at me as she raised her glass in my direction. “Can’t wait to see you in it, hot momma!”

I felt myself blush again at Bree’s comment. I wasn’t really comfortable with the whole dress conversation, so I changed the subject. “We’re planning on going to dinner first and then to the art show. Are both of you still coming to the show?” I nodded towards Sarah and Bree.

“Of course! There’s no way we’d miss it!” Bree said. “I have plans after, but I’ll be at the show for sure!”

“Same here!” Sarah chimed in. “I’m coming with Ron, the guy I’ve been seeing. We’re going to the show and then have dinner reservations after.”

“The artists with exhibits are required to stay for the entire show, so I doubt we’ll be doing anything after.” I could feel my heart start to flutter. “I’m so excited and nervous at the same time. It’s going to be such a big night!”

Sarah reached out and patted my leg. “It’s going to be a night to remember! I can feel it!”