Page 41 of Right Number

“Go up to the bar and ask for a bartender named Elle and tell her Mason is buying you a drink.”

“Are you serious?” The whole thing was crazy! What was he doing, and how did he know someone named Elle that worked at Cosmos?

“Yes. Go do it!”

I started laughing. “What’s so funny?” Sarah asked.

“Mason said he wants to buy me a drink.”

“How is he going to do that? Is he here or something?” Bree asked as she turned her head to scan the crowd.

I shook my head. “No, he said to go up to the bar and talk to the bartender.”

Sarah let out a dreamy sigh and clasped her hands together. “This is so romantic! I love it! He’s clear across the country and trying to be with you! Go! Go up to the bar!”

I laughed again as Sarah nudged me in the direction of the bar. As I got a little closer, I surveyed the employees and got in line on the side with the only female bartender. When it was my turn, she greeted me with a smile. “Hi! What can I get you?”

“This might sound a little strange,” I started and the bartender raised her eyebrow at me. “But are you Elle? I was told to come up here and say ‘Mason is buying me a drink.’” Yeah…it sounded more than a little strange.

The bartender got a huge smile on her face. “So you must be Anna!”

“Yes…how did you know?” The whole situation was even more strange and confusing.

“Mason called a few minutes ago and made arrangements to buy you a drink.” The bartender, who I had to assume was Elle, kept the big smile on her face as she started grabbing assorted bottles of alcohol and pouring them into a large silver metal shaker.

“Really?” I couldn’t hide my look of surprise or keep it out of my voice.

“I’ve never had anyone do anything like this before,” Elle said as she put the lid on the shaker and gave it a few hard shakes. “Mason sounds like a real keeper.”

A gigantic smile overtook my face. “Yeah,” I said quietly. My heart started to flutter thinking he’d been so creative, and gone through all that, just to buy me a drink. “So, Elle? How do you know Mason?” I asked hesitantly.

Elle laughed. “I don’t. He just called the bar a few minutes ago and told me he was going to send a beautiful woman with dark hair and wearing a black dress, named Anna, up to the bar and that he wanted to buy her a drink since he couldn’t be out with her tonight.” My cheeks flushed even more as the flutter grew stronger. “I need to go and grab a glass for this. I’ll be right back.”

As Elle walked away, I pulled my phone out and sent Mason a message. “You’re crazy! You know that, right?”

“Only because you make me crazy. I take it you’re at the bar getting your drink.”

I could feel my face was still covered with a ridiculously goofy grin. “I am. This was very thoughtful and creative of you. Thank you.”

Mason’s next message took a few moments to come through. “I don’t want to rush things, but have you given any more thought to us meeting in person?”

I chewed on my bottom lip as I read his message. I’d been trying not to think about it. Every time I did I was plagued by the same fear. What if it didn’t work out? How exactly would it work out? The geographical distance between us was huge, and that was a big, black mark against us before anything even started. I don’t know how long I stood there, lost in my own head, but it was long enough Mason sent another message. I looked down as my phone vibrated in my hand. “Anna? You OK? Where did you go?”

“Sorry, I’m here. Are you sure that’s what you want? To meet?” I quickly typed back.

“I’m sure that’s what I want. I want you, Anna. I want to meet you and I want to be with you.”

Just then Elle came back over with my drink. “Here you go,” she said, placing a large glass in front of me. It was a wild-looking, bright-orange drink with slices of orange in the glass garnished with maraschino cherries. I took a quick sip and not only did it look pretty, it was absolutely delicious.

“Wow!” I exclaimed. “That’s quite the drink!” I quickly took a picture of the fancy concoction to send to Mason.

Elle laughed. “It’s the special tonight. Enjoy! And, Anna, for what it’s worth, don’t let go of your guy. Ones that would do something like this are, unfortunately, few and far between.” Elle winked at me as she motioned to help the next person in line behind me.

I took my drink back over to where Bree and Sarah were standing. “Oh my God!” Sarah squealed. “That’s quite the drink!”

“It’s the special tonight,” I echoed what Elle had told me. “Can you hold it for me please so I can text Mason a picture.”

“Only if I can have a sip,” Sarah laughed as I handed her the drink.