Page 36 of Right Number

“If you take something beyond being nervous and multiply it by a million, that’s fairly close to where I am.” I quickly took another drink from my mug. I wanted to finish it before I had to leave for class.

“Aw! You’ll totally get in! Your portfolio was amazing!” Sarah said as she wrapped her hands around her own mug and leaned up against the counter.

Bree threw a couple slices of bread in the toaster. “Do you know what you’re going to enter into the show when you are selected?”

“You mean if I’m selected,” I corrected her.

“No, I mean when.” Bree pushed the lever down on the toaster and raised her eyebrow at me. “Your work is solid. They’d be crazy to pass on you.”

I appreciated the vote of confidence. Quite frankly, I needed all the votes I could get; I was a bundle of nerves and self-doubt. “I think I’ll use some of the shots of the waves crashing on the rocks. I really like them.”

“Are those from the day you went with Liam?” Bree asked as she pulled the peanut butter out of the cabinet.

“Yes.” I nodded as I took another sip of coffee.

“How is Liam?” Sarah asked.

“He’s good. He’s going to meet me at the art building at noon to see the results. I’m sure he’ll be selected.” I finished my coffee and moved towards the sink to rinse my mug out.

Bree was slathering a thick layer of peanut butter on her toast. “Did you see what he used in his portfolio?”

“No.” I put my cup in the dishwasher. “All I know is it’s a new painting he’s working on. He’s being very mysterious and won’t let me see it.”

“Any idea why?” Sarah wondered aloud.

I shrugged my shoulders. “He said it was a surprise.”

“Maybe he’ll show you today when you’re both selected.” Sarah gave me a big smile as she spoke. I chuckled. She was always such an optimist. A romantic optimist.

“Well, it’s Friday, ladies, and when you find out you’re selected”—Bree shot me a knowing look—“we’re going out to celebrate. Get your party shirts on because tonight we’re going dancing!” Bree set her toast down as she started to shimmy and dance around the kitchen. Sarah and I both started laughing as we joined in. “Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Bree laughed as she playfully bumped her hip into Sarah’s.

“All right, I hate to break up this dance party, but I’m going to be late for class if I don’t hustle on out of here,” I said with another laugh as Bree wiggled her hips over to where her toast and coffee sat.

“Let us know when you find out!” Sarah shouted after me as I grabbed my coat and backpack.

When I stepped out the front door, I realized it was going to be a long morning. I had a lecture to sit through before noon. My anxiety was so high I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to sit still, let alone pay attention.

I was about halfway across campus on my way to class when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out and smiled when I saw the message was from Mason. “Good luck today! Let me know as soon as you find out!” The message also contained a series of crossed finger emojis. The corners of my mouth twitched up. Mason and his damn emojis.

I started typing as I continued to walk. Texting while walking was a skill I’d perfected since Mason came into my life. “Thank you! Did you just get up?” With the time difference it was still pretty early on the West Coast.

“Yes, but I wanted to get a message to you before your class started.” Mason’s message was quickly followed by, “We really need to get in the same time zone.”

I stopped walking for a moment as I read the second message. I wasn’t quite sure what to say. Was he joking or being serious? I was slowly warming to the idea of Mason and me meeting in person, but still had quite a few reservations—reservations I wasn’t in the mood to get into that morning. I decided less was more. “I’ll let you know when I find out. I’m too nervous for witty banter this morning.”

“You are going to do great! I have a meeting at 9:00 my time, but it shouldn’t be too long. If I don’t message you back right away, it’s because I’m still in the meeting.”

I’d resumed walking and was almost to the doors of the lecture hall, so my response was brief. “Got it! Have a good morning!”

“You too, beautiful.”

I was smiling from Mason’s last message as I walked into the lecture hall and settled into my seat. I was so lost in my own head I didn’t realize someone was sitting in the seat behind me until he leaned forward and whispered in my ear. “Today’s the big day, lovely Anna.”

My skin immediately started to crawl as I felt his warm breath assault the side of my face. “Get away from me, Oliver,” I hissed as I kept my gaze locked on the front of the room.

Oliver ignored me and remained in the exact same position. “I’m sure you’ll be selected. You’ve always had such a good eye and exquisite taste, darling.” I continued to stare forward, trying to ignore him. I clutched my pen in my hand so tightly I was amazed it didn’t break. “We should celebrate tonight when we’re both selected,” Oliver whispered as he reached out and touched my hair.

I spun around in my seat and forcefully slapped his hand away. “Knock it off, asshole! I don’t want you around me, and I especially don’t want you touching me!” I said so loudly that people around us turned to look at what was going on.