THE NEXT DAY, I was sitting at one of the many coffee shops just off campus, trying to get some studying done, when my phone vibrated.
“When you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, do you use a separate knife for the peanut butter and a separate knife for the jelly or the same knife for both?”
I couldn’t help but smile at the message from Mason. It was part of the random question game we still played. I set my highlighter down and picked up my phone. “Separate. I’m not a barbarian.”
“Will it totally gross you out if I say I use the same one?” I had to stifle a laugh as I read Mason’s response.
“No. I will just not-so-secretly be judging you every time you make a sandwich. No more questions. I have to study.”
As soon as I set my phone down, it vibrated with a new message. “What are you studying?” I didn’t even have time to start typing a response before a second message from Mason came through. “Shit. Sorry, that was a question.” Followed by, “I have never been good about following the rules. I colored outside the lines in kindergarten.”
“That explains so much,” I teased back.
“Ha. Ha.” His message included a winking emoji.
“Seriously, Mason. I need to study. I have a test in English next week, and I need to make up for the failing grade I got on a big writing assignment.”
“Ouch. That’s not good. I’ll leave you alone. Happy studying. You’re going to do great on your test!” Mason’s message contained an emoji wearing glasses coupled with a stack of books and a pencil. Mason and his damn emojis.
“If you could see me, you would see I’m rolling my eyes at you.”
“I would very much like to see your eyes, Anna. Even if they are rolling at me.”
I sighed and put my phone down. When Mason said things like that it got me all confused about what exactly we were doing. I decided I needed to put my phone in my backpack and focus on studying for my test, not on trying to decipher what Mason may have been saying.
I’D BEEN STUDYING FOR a few hours when a deep voice interrupted me. “Hey, Anna. How are you doing?”
I looked up and smiled. “Hi, Liam! I’m good, thanks. Just studying for an English test.” I gestured to the table in front of me filled with books, notebooks, my laptop, and assorted highlighters.
“Do you mind if I sit for a few minutes?” Liam nodded toward the empty chair across from me.
I closed my laptop and pushed it aside as I continued to smile at Liam. “Please do. I could really use a break.”
“How’s everything? I haven’t heard much from you lately,” Liam asked when he was seated. I frantically racked my brain as I tried to think of the last time I’d spoken with him. We’d exchanged a few texts since our date Friday night, but that was about it. “I saw your name on the list of artists who’d submitted portfolios for the Spring Art Show.” Liam took a sip of his coffee as he waited for me to answer.
“Yes, I submitted it yesterday.” I watched Liam carefully as he sat across from me. Something seemed off, but I couldn’t quite figure out what it was.
Liam shifted in his chair and set his coffee cup down on the table. “I’m surprised you didn’t let me know. It’s a really big deal to get that turned in.” I could hear the hurt in his voice, which made me instantly feel terrible.
To be honest, it hadn’t even crossed my mind to tell Liam I’d turned my portfolio in, although it probably should have. He did, after all, take me to the location where I took several of the pictures I’d used; plus, we’d talked a great deal about it on our date Friday night. Really, the only person I’d thought about telling when I turned it in was Mason. Was it bad I’d wanted to tell Mason, but didn’t even think to tell Liam? I quickly answered my own question: yeah, it was pretty bad.
I reached across the table and took Liam’s hand in mine as I looked directly at him. “I’m sorry, Liam, you’re right. I should’ve told you. I guess I just got caught up in everything and it slipped my mind.”
“I see,” Liam said looking down at my hand holding his before looking up at me. “What are you doing this weekend?”
I pulled my hand back and wrapped it around my coffee mug. “I don’t really have any plans.”
“Do you want to see a movie? There are a few decent-looking ones playing right now.” I was a little surprised he’d ask me to the movies after I’d just admitted to flaking out and not telling him about submitting my portfolio. “We could grab something to eat before or after,” he added.
“That sounds great, Liam. Thank you,” I said with a smile. I really did enjoy spending time with him and I was sure that whatever we did, it would be fun.
Liam gave a small smile and hesitated slightly before he spoke. “Anna, I need to let you know I really do want to spend more time with you. I know we’re not anything official or exclusive, but I enjoy being with you and I hope you’ll start letting me into your life a little more.” Liam stood up and took a few steps over to where I was seated. He quickly gave me a kiss on the top of my head. “I’ll let you get back to your studying. Talk to you soon?”
“For sure,” I whispered. Liam gave me one last smile before he turned and walked away.
Shit. I felt like the world’s biggest asshole.
What the hell was I doing?