Page 41 of Cage

Twitch walks in like he owns the fucking place. His eyes meet mine before sweeping right past me. Bile burns the back of my throat as I watch him saunter into the room. Everyone’s head turns to watch him. He has to know that they’re all staring at him.

“Go back to Cage’s room,” Knight growls next to me. I shake my head. No, I won’t hide in the damn room from him. I won’t give him that satisfaction. Instead, I jump off the stool and walk toward him, holding my head high.

“I’m going to kill you,” I tell him without blinking.

“You’re gonna go sit the fuck down before I bend you over and take you right here in front of everyone,” he says calmly. That’s when I lose it, screaming at the top of my lungs and lunging at him. I leap onto his front, hitting, kicking, punching, and slapping. I do whatever I can do to him, and he doesn’t make a move to touch me. It pisses me off. I want him to react, but he isn’t. I want him to snap, but he doesn’t.

Then I’m ripped away from him as I scream louder. That’s when I see Cage with his gun trained on Twitch’s face.

“It’s my kill!” I scream louder. Cage just shrugs his shoulders and keeps staring Twitch in the eye.

“This how it’s gonna end? Over a piece of ass?”

“No, not over a piece of ass. Over my old lady,” Cage tells him. A few guys gasp, but there’s mostly silence. I know enough to know what that means. He’s claiming me again. Right here in front of everyone, including Twitch. That means I’ll never get away from him or what he’s about to do.

“Your old lady was a good piece of ass,” Twitch taunts.

“Why’d you come back? You had to know I’d kill you.”

“I don’t know why I came back. I suppose if I’m gonna die, I’m goin’ out with my brothers at my back,” he replies causally.

“Your brothers? They aren’t your brothers, Twitch. You ruined that. You took what didn’t belong to you,” Cage reminds him. Twitch doesn’t look afraid or even a little on edge. Then I hear it. Guns are being pulled and cocked. My heart nearly leaps out of my chest when I glance behind me and see all the guns out.

“Look at that. My brother’s.”

“Traitors. That’s what they are. They’re not brothers, never were if they could do this,” Cage tells him. Twitch reaches up and takes the gun from Cage’s hand as my hands shake. I don’t know why Cage is letting him. I don’t know what he’s thinking. My nerves are on edge. I can’t think straight.

“You’re makin’ a big mistake,” Cage tells him. Twitch smirks and aims the same gun at Cage’s head. Now my heart is frantic in my chest. I slip my hand behind me and pull the gun from the back of my jeans, which I grabbed from the nightstand before I left the room earlier. I aim it straight at Twitch’s head too. His head slowly turns in my direction, which was his first mistake. However, the sick smile on his face causes my hand to shake.

“What are you doin’ with that? Did you tell Cage how good I tasted you? How you were so fuckin’ wet for Scott and me?” I know what he’s doing, and it isn’t going to work. He isn’t going to make me falter right now. I won’t let him.

Things happen quickly. There’s noise, chaos, and gunshots. I pull the trigger, not looking where the bullet goes, when the gun is snatched from my hand. Everything is blurry, and I don’t know who took the gun. I’m shoved to the ground and fall to my knees before being forced flat on my stomach. I can feel bodies on either side of me, and I panic.

After minutes of screaming and shots, I’m finally jerked to my feet. Ridge has one arm, and Knight has the other. Then I glance over and see Cage with his arm around Twitch’s neck and the gun aimed at the side of his head.

“This is how it ends,” Cage says. He chokes Twitch, who’s bleeding from his stomach until he drops to his knees. I start to step toward them when Knight pulls me back, shaking his head.

I watch Cage as he steps in front of Twitch, pressing the gun into his mouth. I know there’s no stopping this. No stopping him. He’s going to kill him right here and now.

“You ready?” he asks Twitch. I don’t understand why he’s asking him, but then Twitch’s eyes move to mine, and I shiver. A sick grin tugs across his face just as Cage pulls the trigger. I watch in horror as blood sprays the walls behind him, and then his body slumps over. Then there’s silence. So much silence I can’t stand it. I shake Knight’s hand off me, and I run. I run toward the door and outside. I keep running until my lungs burn and my legs ache.

I have my keys in my pocket, and I run all the way to my shop, my safe place. I see the notes on the door, but I ignore them as I unlock it and hurry inside before relocking it.

I run to the back of the shop before I drop to my knees, trying to catch my breath. This can’t be happening. Any of this. It just can’t be.



She ran, and I let her. I knew she was safe, so I let her go. It’s too much for her to deal with, the death, the club. I’d always known it. She wasn’t cut out for this life. She has a life.

“We need to get this cleaned up,” I tell the guys as I look around at Twitch's few followers. I can’t believe they turned on us, but it is what it is. There’s nothing I can do about it now, and I don’t think I want to. They chose him, and that’s that.

“This is a mess,” Knight grumbles.

“Yeah, it is. Call in crime scene clean up and pay them off,” I tell him. He nods as he pulls his phone out and dials a number. I pull out a cigarette and light it up. This is a mess, for sure. A mess Twitch created, and for what? Just because he couldn’t have Yenni? What kind of sick fuck was he? I don’t need an answer to that because I already know. He took her, and chained her to a bed to get his way with her. Forced her ex on her. That’s what kind of sick fuck he was.

I walk over to the bar and grab a drink before taking it down.