Page 21 of Cage

“Good. I’m ridin’ with van one; you hit van two. Split the others up.” He nods his head and walks off as I head for my bike. I double-check the van I will lead, ensuring everyone is good before climbing on my bike. The phone rings just as I’m about to pull my helmet on. I slide it out of my pocket and answer.


“Hey,” I hear her voice on the other end.

“What are you doin’?”

“Getting ready to finish up a back piece. I just wanted to say hi before I started,” she says. Yenni. Fucking Yenni. I can’t keep that girl off my goddamn mind. I can’t think straight, and it’s all her damn fault, and I still can’t help but want her.

“I’m about to head back that way. It’ll be sometime tomorrow before we make it back. You comin’ to see me?” It wasn’t so much a question as a demand.

“Yeah, what time?”

“Around midnight or whenever you get off,” I tell her.

“Okay. I’ll be there,” Yenni says sweetly into the line. I don’t say goodbye, just pull the phone from my ear and hang up. She knows the drill.

Pulling my helmet on, I slip the phone back into my pocket before revving my bike. I look behind me and see the guys are ready to go. I motion for them to move out before I pull out at the front of the pack. As we decided, one van goes left, the other right. No sense in having both vans together and possibly getting caught.

I pull around the van and out in front to watch our surroundings as Ridge does the same. We have a few guys following behind just to make sure no one tries anything back there.

All in all, this was a good run up here. Now it’s just making it back home in one piece. I hope to hell we don’t get stopped on this route. I’m not in the mood to sit in jail until we can buy our way out. And that’s typically what we do with the local cops in our town. We buy our way out of shit. There’s always a dirty cop somewhere, so that doesn’t bother me much. I just want to get my ass back home and see Yenni.



I finished up at work and closed the shop a little earlier than normal to make it to the clubhouse. Now I stand outside next to my car, waiting on Cage to arrive. He said around midnight, but he isn’t here yet. I thought about going in and grabbing a drink, but then I figured it wouldn’t be very smart of me with Twitch being in there.

Instead, I stay outside watching the night sky when I hear him. I roll my fucking eyes because I don’t feel like dealing with him today.

“You came back,” he states.

“I’m waiting for Cage,” I tell him without looking over.

“You can come inside and do that.”

“I’m good out here.” I’m short and to the point with him not needing any more bullshit from him.

“You’d be better under me.”

“What do you want, Twitch? I said I’m waiting on Cage.”

“How did you know when he’d be back?”

“He told me.” Is he stupid? What the hell is wrong with him? He hums his response when I see the lights pulling in. That’s when Twitch inches closer to me. I step to the side, not wanting Cage to see this mess.

I watch Cage pull up and kill the engine before climbing off his bike. He pulls his helmet off and sets it on the seat before looking between Twitch and me. He stalks over and grabs me by the back of my neck, roughly pressing his lips to mine. He kisses me hard, and I let him, savoring every second of his kiss. Then he pulls away and kisses my forehead before pulling away. I watch him as he stalks toward Twitch, his fists balled at his sides. I watch in awe as he pulls the right one back before slamming it into Twitch’s face. Twitch never saw it coming.

“You messin’ with my girl?” Cage roars before punching him again.

“I didn’t so shit!”

“You went to her job,” he screams at the top of his lungs before swinging again. This time, Twitch blocks it. That doesn’t stop Cage from going after him again. I wasn’t expecting this. I wasn’t sure Cage cared that much. Maybe I was wrong.

“Yeah? And why? Why the fuck were you at her job? You had no fuckin’ business bein’ there, Twitch.”

“You told me to watch her!”